Bruise Pristine profile picture

Bruise Pristine

To one is it beauty, the other repulsion...

About Me

Suppose you want to know a bit about me. i'm nothing special. a girl in the middle of nowhere. your average jane q. publik by my standards, but i still succeed in freaking my mom out now and then, I was just born that type of individual.. so judge for yourself. I was born in early july. a cancer baby, yep that's me. Perhaps the combination of cartoons and bad horror/low budget movies I grew up on has had a lasting effect on my personality, ((why do you think they call it programming?)) and I'm quite happy with that fact. I *like* being on the spooky side, with an off sense of humor, and in general just sort of out there. Keeps the morons from getting too close, for fear that my freakiness might jump off onto them and this in turn keeps me happy in light of the fact that i don't have to deal with their drooling incompetence. I have ranted about it before and will say it here briefly, labels and I don't go well together. labels limit, and I find myself refusing to abide by limitations. that being said, I am not limited to the stereotypes of one subculture, I'm really riddled with stereotypes of quite a few-- *none* of them normal by society standards I can assure you ;) I've been accused of being a "goth wannabe" on occasion. I'm still really not sure what it takes to be goth, so am i one, real or otherwise? I dunno. When you grow up draped in black, wearing too much eyeliner and black nail polish, refusing to kiss up to fucking crashbrained idiots, all the while chasing after femme boys, maybe there's little else to call you?
Contact me--
Yahoo: mal007femme
AOL: rejektid13
ICQ: 4639521
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My Interests

Anything and everything all at once... Some say I'm easily amused, I say I'm never bored. Look at it how you wish... If I'm learning something or laughing then I'm interested. Go figure.
80's music, a boy named star, affection, angelina jolie, anne rice, anne sexton, art, ashton kutcher, atheism, black comedy, black nail polish, blowing shit up, books, boys in eyeliner, boys in nailpolish, boys in skirts, brian deneke, brooding, bubble baths, bubble gum, butterflies, caffiene, candles, cartoons, cemetaries, claire danes, collages, combat boots, comix, conversation, cuddling, daria, dark humor, dark quiet places, dark tower series, darkwave, dead kennedys, dean koontz, depeche mode, drazil star, dreams, edward norton, emotional masochism, epiphanies, ethan hawke, eyeliner, eyes, film, fire, fishnet, flannery o'connor, galactic sludge clothing, gargoyles, geekboys, glitter, ghost hunting, urban exploration, godhead, goth, gothboys, gothic, gunslinger, handwriting, heath cash, heath ledger, heavy water factory, honesty, horror, hugs, industrial, information society, intelligence, intensity, irony, jackass, jason lee, jay and silent bob, johnny the homicidal maniac, kevin smith, kindness, kisses, kmfdm, labyrinth, laughing, libraries, lip gloss, lips, literature, london after midnight, love, love letters, mac & cheese, marilyn manson, metal, mein schatz, monopoly, movies, music, musicians, my starrkins, negative flood cycle, neil gaiman, night, nin, nine inch nails, numerology, occult, op ivy, people watching, piercings, pinky and the brain, plotting world domination, pop rocks, psychology, punk, quotes, rain, rants, rivetheds, roland of gilead, safety pins, sarcasm, satanism, sci-fi, se7en, serial killers, sfw, shakespeare, sid and nancy, skinny puppy, sleep, spikes, stargazing, stars, stephen king, storms, synth-pop, tattoos, the crow, thrift shops, thrill kill kult, tickling, trent reznor, trivial pursuit, used bookstores, vampires, vc andrews, web design, wesley willis, west memphis three, winona ryder, words, writing, xenosaur.
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Outcome B - The Comic.
Based on the descriptions you chose, you are charming, witty, and optomistic. You can find humour in even the darkest situation, and you find it easy to meet new people.

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Quizzes and Personality Tests

I'd like to meet:

To quote one Mr. Kerouac:
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirious of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars....



You have the audacity to ask ME this question... we'd be here all day. I'm going to be a librarian for fucks sake!

My Blog

Barbara Ann (Bobo) McCormick RIP

my g-ma died, it happened early yesterday morning. We had spent the day and night in limbo just going minute by minute as she continued to get worse. They also told us that she had stage 4 cancer of h...
Posted by Bruise Pristine on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 06:46:00 PST

why? why? why?

My grandma (the one with whom i reside) has just been diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of the lungs, extensive stage; which means that it has spread systemically and therefore can't benefit from su...
Posted by Bruise Pristine on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 12:29:00 PST


I know I shouldn't eavesdrop on the convos going on around me, but when I work in a fish bowl it's hard not to sometimes.  something I just heard come out of Allan's mouth: "I'll have to get in...
Posted by Bruise Pristine on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 07:48:00 PST

voodoo, zendik, and beale street

Had a pretty kool weekend... Went to the Voodoo Music Experience in Memphis, which was a show to benefit the rebuilding of NOLA, with Heath, Nan, and Gary. It was a pretty impromptu thing-- so I booke...
Posted by Bruise Pristine on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 04:07:00 PST