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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

More than just outdoors stuff (it just happens to be what I MOSTLY have pictures of). Obviously bowhunting and fishing, but also: MY KIDS!!, photography, tennis, horseback riding, hiking, rock wall climbing (indoor), gardening, floral arrangement, ballet, craft shows... (okay I started bullshitting right after 'gardening')

I'd like to meet:

Just old friends from high school... co-workers (past or present)...people with similar hobbies/interests!


I can stand almost any kind of music except POLKA's!!!! Too much of that crap when married to a Polish woman once upon a time. Now it makes me break out in a RASH!!! I mostly listen to classic rock. I LOVE the beat of rap for dancing.. but the words typically SUCK!!!! No discernable English in them, and what you can understand objectifies women, glorifies violence and demoralizes LOVE!! I'm not a hippie (I'm too young) but I remember the music from the 60's,.. the groups then managed to sing about love all the time too, but without all the hatred and without treating women like they're only good for one thing! Okay.. I'll get off my soap box now... I will listen to country, I even like some hard rock (Monster Magnet!!! Rob Zombie, Korn) but prefer John Mellenkamp; Tom Petty; Green Day; Mercy Me; Bob Seger, Zeppelin


I like almost any movie but as a rule... if I'm going to the theater to see something.. It better have BIG special effects! I can watch a "chick flick" at home! If I pay $7+ for a movie...they better have a bigger sound system than I have at home. Favorite all time movies though: ENTIRE Matrix Trilogy; Mad Max; Remember the Titans; Pay if Forward; Fearless (for the message); Serenity... Creepiest movie I've seen lately: Silent Hill!!!! (heebie jeebies!!!)


I don't have time for TV...except local news and weather in the morning as I'm shaving/getting ready for work.


I like pretty much anything by Dean Koontz! Also read a LOT of Stephen King before I had kids and gave up reading as a pastime. last completed: Nicholas Evans - "The Loop"; been chipping away at "The Screwtape Letters" (C.S. Lewis). Though I cannot claim I've ever sat down and read the whole Bible, I can say I LOVE the author... and enjoy many of the parts I've read!


My father! My grandmother! (and yes my mom too) Jesus!