I am a geriatric nurse at an Orthodox Jewish Nursing Home. I enjoy music,movies,books, and anything else I feel like doing in the moment. I hate people that cheat on their significant others, litter, and don't vote. I'm not sexist, racist, conformist, or orientation biased. I don't appreciate people who are. But mostly I like ROCK AND ROLL...I'm not really down with all the "let's fit everything into a genre" thing. I like music from all walks of life. I guess you could call me an equal opportunity music enthusiast.I'm not sure what else I want you to know...But don't be afraid to ask!!!Keep in mind I did this when I was really tired.
Emotional So you think you can dance http://tv.yahoo.com/so-you-think-you-can-dance/sho...
Important for dance and breast cancer awareness!