Born and bred London England, been living here in the US for the past six years.
Have traveled extensively throughout Europe, North Africa but have yet to see as much of America as I would like.
I have never been one to stay in one place or live one style of life for long, I guess I have gypsy blood - sounds exotic but I truly hope one day to find a place and life that I want to stay in forever.
I love my kids more than life and am proud to say they have both grown into incredible young adults, I love my dogs and have an intense dislike for anyone who does not respect another life regardless of it being human or animal.
I try always to be a good friend and would do anything I could to help someone. I love old buildings especially churches even though I am not religious I consider myself spiritual, I can't imagine not going back to live near the ocean and even if it means living in a hut on the beach I will do so eventually.
So much more to say but your probably bored to death by now!
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