i luv to sing and play , i like to go to the river in tha summer time and ride waverunners and jump off bluffs and barrels(haha that wuz scary) i dunno i like to ride 4wheelers and get really muddy. Im a girly girl but i dont care to get dirty. i can def. hang wit tha guyz. I luv to walk, it is jus very relaxing to me and i can have my tyme to jus think. Like i said im up 4 anything and i luv to try new things!
Take the quiz: "What clothing store are you?"
Abercrombie & Fitch
You cute and fashionable..your not afraid to splurge if it means you gonna look hott!
Take the quiz: "What purse is perfect for you?"
coach wristlette
You are a simple girl who likes to have fun and enjoy life!
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What kind of jewel are you?
Pink Ice
You are rare jewel. You tend to have expensive taste; but girl- you have style.
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anyone i like to meet new peeps!
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i like pretty much anything! i luv to dance and sing! Fuel is tha best band of all tyme!ooo and the wallflowers. i went to memphis in may recently and saw crossfade and nelly(remember me throwin that lemonade on those gurlz heads brad haha im crazy!). I like Staind a whole lot! O and i went to a theory of a dead man concert in memphis ooo and breaking point wuz there 2...thas were they sold me...i neva take their stuff outta my cd playa EVA!(thanks ky for getn me hooked!)also and got a drum stick! It wuz awesome! The GURL!(haha lindz, kyla, cooper and jesse!) I like GeenDay 2!
and i love emenim
REKINDLE IS AWESOME!(i love u guyz-keep spreading the name of JESUS)newayz i like country also it jus fits to life here in TENNESSEE! Kenny Chesney knows wut im talkin bout ;) I like pretty much jus songs that i can dance to or that have meaning to them that i can relate to.
Take the quiz: "Which guitar are you"
Fender Strat
You are a Fender Stratocaster. You are the orignal rock and roll guitar.
Everyone needs to go see Wedding Crashers(ive seen it 3times n theaters)! i laughed the whole way through and even CRIED! I luv tha notebook but wut gurl doesnt. Serendipity is also a great movie...im tha kinda person who thinks everything happends for a reason, u have a destiny! A weird fact: WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY is my fav movie of all tyme. I have seen it so many tymes that i kno every line and all of the bloopers and intentional errors. Im still a KID at HEART!
Regina George
Which Mean Girl are you?
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Take the quiz: "WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ?? (4 GIRLS)"
Sweet Home Alabama
Your a chick flick girl, born and thriving. You know how to follow your heart even if it takes some time to realize what's the right way to go
i like reality shows! I like: The Hills and Laguna Beach of course,real world,and the simple life. I like to watch Dr.Phil i think he gives really good advice. I watch to get prepared for my future obsticles. i think watchin will help. I like Oprah...if i had as much money as she does i would have my own talk show too and give out gifts like she does. Lets see...me and jesse watch boxing together(one day he will be on that screen) and shows bout cars...i luv it tho!
Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"
You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
Take the quiz: "What laguna guy is right for you??"
Stephen is the guy for you! Stephen is romantic, charming, sweet, adorable, loving, funny, and the life of the party!!!
Take the quiz: "Who are you and your best friend like?"
Paris & Nicole
You and your Best Friend are the life of the party! You guys don't care what others think and don't care about the rep you may achieve.
Take the quiz: "Which Sisterhood from the Traveling Pants girl are you most like? **PICS**"
You are super-confident athlete Bridget! Bridget is the bright, bold, big-hearted athlete of the group. You grab life by the hand and drag it along behind you. Of course, some might say that's because she's afraid to slow down.
Take the quiz: "What blond actress r u??"
Reese Witherspoon
You like to play dumb blonde roles and you also like to make people laugh. You don't care what people think of you and you are a cool, collected actress. You bring joy and laughter to everyone and have an old soul. You rule!!
Take the quiz: "What movie kiss are you?"
You are a Notebook Kiss
You have a sweet relationship with someone you absolutely love being around- and nothing will keep the two of you apart. You are destined to be with each other-- good luck!!
Take the quiz: "Which Full House Character Are u?"
You're the normal one in the family..heh
What attracts people to you?
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since there is nothin here i figured i could put some things that I feel about jason...this will continue to a blog in the near future
my mom is of course my hero! She has been through so much and is a stronger person bcuz of it all. She raised me at a young age after my dad got killed in a car wreck. She had a lil help but who doesnt need sum...My GRANDPARENTS! they r wonderful they jus resently sent 16 members of my fam to PCB, Florida. They support me through skooling and everything...we are a bunch of spoiled grandkids but im appreciative! IM SOO BLESSED! O and I am absolutely obsessed wit CINDERELLA! Wut gurl doesnt want that fairytale to come to lyfe for them?!?
Take the quiz: "Which Disney Princess are you most like (with 2 new princesses)"
You are a true party person. You love dressing up in cool outfits and parties. You are also very kind and caring.
Take the quiz: "Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?"
Gisele Bundchen
You are nice, trendy, and love to have fun!