My Real Family..I luv theese people!!
My cuzz Rastus @K@ Razz
My cuzz Charles @K@ Fab @K@ Prime Time
My cuzz Willaim @K@ Ricky
My cuzz Latonya @K@ Tonya
My cuzz Beanie @K@ Ben-Hated
My cuzz/son Billy @K@ Cat Daddy
My cuzz Timothy @K@ Timman
My cuzz Johnathon @K@ Jay-O
My nephew's Aunti Candyce @K@ man if she wasn't my nephew aunti.....
My cuzz Elizabeth @K@ ey bay bay
My cuzz Trenda @K@ TP
My cuzz Johnathon @K@ John John
My cuzz in law Amber @K@ Fab's Wife
My cuzz/daughter in law Brittany @K@ Cat Daddy's wife
Just a pic of my Unc to fill the last spot
Elder Strong is a member of my church district (COGIC huntsville district alabama 1st jurisdiction) and he probably doesnt remember my name, lol..but every since i moved to huntsville his ministry has been the greatest thing to happen to my soul since Jesus/holyghost, lol..u can tell when someone truely puts their heart and soul into ministering the word of God and i hope that one day i'm able to emulate that part of his ministry in a way unique to how God chooses to use me..the anointing in his musiq and preached gospel has been invaluable to me so I've dedicated my music section to his ministry (wit a lil bonus nikki ross in the 2nd clip)