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Mr FlAmEz

About Me

cartoon layout @ HOT
hmmmmmmmmm Wat 2 say. Well I go by the name flamez but the U can call me by the name my Mother gave me which is Mansoor.Anyway I enjoy sport expecially football.Music is another one of my interests. I lyk making tracks making beats but i ave stopped that now n focusig on football.I am just another youth trying to make it in da game. I also lyk meeting new ppl Other than that im very laid bk as long as u dnt piss me off we will get along fine.Hold tyt da mandem Mastermind,V-man,Hype,Era,Ironman,y.Dramakid,Klonz,Styles,Mr Mashelleck,SWane etc 2 many 2 mension hold tyt da rest GYAL DEM EXPECIALLY bLONDIE u give nuff joke stay blessed. FNX 4 CHECKIN MY SPACE LEAVE ME A MESSAGE bless. Btw IF U WANNA talk mre add my msn Bless

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