some evil persons called Pia K and Ruth E -and if I will, God will, I 'll eat those motherfuckers promto! Besides that heavy slice of bacon.. Im here for all the lovely myspace doggystyle ladies!!... friendly fearless females with a good sense of humor and spontanity. I also would like to meat som rats soon and smell some sweet daring comments around here...see the streets of CPH are crazy claustrophobicly clean believe me! At first I thought I was the only dog around till the day my human nearly was attacked while I was right in the middle of a delievery ifyaknow-whatamean-- but I was pretty impressed by her selfdefence actually, some verbal smackback in that bossy too-dumn-to-be-a-cop nolife doghating hysteric's bellyface.. yeah she aint taking no bullshit from nobody, my precious miss master, at least not before its allover the pavement ifyaknowhatamean-- ..and that Im not even quite sure on either.. LAST NOTE: a gained life-in-this-world-lesson.. THE ONLY WAY TO PEACE, IS BY WAR- SUPPORT: KAMPEN for flere FRISTEDER Fuck kulturfascismen! Støt staden og kampen for flere fristeder!