TatJana profile picture



About Me

* not smart enough to act stupid * afraid of scared people * busy being happy * I trust in God, but not the Church * I would file a petition for the official day to last min. 32 hours * I never regret the things I've done, but only the ones I haven't * having bad memory and good intentions * the most complicated of all is to simplify things. * I don't believe that it's never too late for some things * I do believe that the moment is always right to tell the truth * I don't believe in bad solutions, but only solutions * understanding is the 1st step to forgiving and this for being free * I don't believe that silence is golden * I don't believe that every book is worth reading * Default attitude: Everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end. * most appreciated compliment: "living by your side is as easy and comfortable as living by myself" *********************************************************** DUBOKA MISAO GORANA MILOSAVLJEVICA: Ljudi se u osnovi mogu podeliti na srecne i nesrecne, a svi ostali njihovi epiteti i artefakti ponasanja samo su iz toga proistekli. ***********************************************************

My Interests

music, removing barriers, interior space arranging, linguistics, gun shooting, travelling, exploring, heights, cultures, worlds, realities...a

I'd like to meet:

most of'em are dead. But I'm more than OK with the ones that lived to meet me ;)


always. plenty.


mainly don't manage to hold my attention


encourages social impotence


Olovka pise srcem



My Blog

E...gde su nestali ljudi iz gradova? A.k.a. (beo)gradjani iz (beo)grada?

znam da su oni, koje bih baa baa da vidim kadgod po~elim, po Ceakoj...Irskoj...Nemackoj...one koje sam vidjala su po svojim ili tudjim kucama... ali zatooooo...
Posted by TatJana on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:00:00 PST