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About Me

Born the 15. March 1977 and live in Buje, Istra-Crotia where i finish elementary school. Since my childhood i have a big love for radio tunes and at age of 10 start to study classic piano and harmonica for two years. In few months my ideas change and instead of going on the lessons i was running on the green fields and playing socer. Love for harmonica was replaced with football but the love for music remain the same, just the instrument wasn't right. With some school friends at age of 12 we decide to made a calssic rock band and me enter in the big world of percussions and drums. This love is burning today too, i find the right instrument. In the begining i was playing covers of classic rock with my fisrt real band that was formed when i moved for studing at age of 16 in Trieste-Italy. There i spent 3 years of my life and play in several bands of many styles. We made concerts all over north Italy and a small part in Slovenia and Croatia. At the same moment i keep the contact with my first band from the school, all my friends from that age keep going with their instruments and we play occasionaly in the days when i was home from school. At 19 i'm back from Italy with no graduation, i spent all the time playing drums and concerting in stead of studing, my perents was so angry but they leave me to go on with my passion. I finish school in my home town and than go back to Italy to finish Audio-Video producing school for a specialization. At that time i was playing in 7 differnet bands that dicovers al type of music, from rock, metal, hard core, thrash, punk, noise, funky-jazz and reggae, of course in some bands we mix some styles. Of this bands with 2 of them i grow up mostly in musical, personal and professional way, Statler & Waldorf Noise Erection and Oko Iluzije. The first one was a mixture of melodic noise pop punk and the second a mix of jazz rock with traditional etno funk rhythms. We play all over around Slovenia and Crotia and have a good response of critics and with Oko Iluzije we won a grammy like best young bend for our region. In the 1997 with some friends we start a cultural no profit assosation that still exsisting today, called Mladi Grad, that was one of the beginners for organizing multicultural events in our country, and i'm a former presidnet. After few years that the assosation was born the 2 bands where i was playing stop with their work cause different problems and personal thinks. I was searching and listening different kind of music, and in 1999 at age of 23 start to collect records and interesting in modern production.I'm still playing drums and percussions mixing jazz, latin & funk, touring occasionaly and playing in studio by request. In 2007 the assosation made a 10 years anniversary festival. Have a Dj residency for the summer in Porec in a club called Atelier "I" and in Coco Beach Bar in Ka'negra.Playing in italy, Austria and Croatia with Nicola Conte, Thievery Corporation, Jazzanova, Eddy meets Yannah, Electrosacher, Capitol A., Makossa & Megablast, Rodney Hunter, Rainer Truby, Chrtistian Prommer, Paolo Barbato, Spiller, Ame', Rober Babicz, Solomun and many more. Have his own radio show on the local radio station Eurostar in Umag on 101.7 FM every Sunday since few years. Now i'm starting to produce some things alone and i hope you can listen to it in a short time. I'm still groving and searching for perfect beat.

My Interests


Member Since: 03/01/2007
Band Website: www.myspace.com/easyagent
Band Members: 2 pair of Technics 1210Mk2; Numark 5000fx 5 channel mixer; Dennon S5000 turntable control cd player; Sonor Drums; Sabian, Ufip, Zildijan and Stag Cymbals; Meinil Percussions; + some 12"
Influences: To many to mention... From roots to modern, from analog to digital, from anything to everything
Record Label: Unsigned

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