Christy Garrard Missing profile picture

Christy Garrard Missing

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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We are a team working currently on the disappearance of Christy Garrard. Christy Lynn Morrison Garrard, 24-years-old at the time, was last seen riding along Roden Avenue and Highway 431 in Boaz on August 14, 1998.She is still missing today. Somewhere in Alabama, someone knows something. Something that can help our investigation. Someone may have seen something or heard something. No matter how insignificant it seemed at the time it could lead to solving this case. That's where you come in....if you saw anything or have heard anything regarding the disappearance of Christy, please contact us immediately. We will keep and hold all tips received in complete confidence. Please help us find her!

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We would like to talk, meet or hear from via email who knows even the smallest detail about the disappearance of Christy Garrard. Please email us here with your phone number, address or some way that we can contact you. If you were invited to join this page and are from Alabama, we believe someone in Alabama knows the truth. Please forward this myspace on to other friends you may have in Alabama.You may submit anonymous tips to our yahoo email address. Be sure to ref Christy Garrard in the subject. Your tips will be held in the strictest confidence. If your tip is valid we will forward it to law enforcement but we will not disclose your identity. Help us bring Christy home!Send anonymous tips [email protected]