hmmmm. it's okaay Robin doesn't need to meet anyone in particular because he's already met ME(: lol; yeah well this is angela kim and i'm hacking robin! first of all i love robin, he's so cool. He's a friend i can trust with anything. He's really stupid and random :D I think it's really funny when he runs like kelly. I'm going to really miss you robin :( buuuut we might see eachother, i might go to gahr. I'm so happy i met you! You're my lovable band geek. And it'll be weird not seeing your face everyday... When I first saw you I thought you were an old friend of mine (who was two years younger than me) so i was going to actually go up to you and say "Justin, what're you doing here?" buwahaha; thankfully i didn't say that becuase if i did i would've embarassed myself XD We sometimes hang out together in PE :) and whenever we talk Kelly would always think we're talking trash about her, but we werent or atleast not when she was around us " rofl; robin robin you'll always be my friend no matter what. And if you forget me i'm going to bring Riku, from Kingdom Hearts, to life and send him to kick you butt. I think you are awesome, i like your name:) I like your korean name too! It's cute and not ugly. I'm going to try to call you that from now on, but I think I forgot your korean name already -_-" remember when you said "sg wannabe" i never missed! I always made that heart thing Xd and then we made up another thing when you said "fly to the sky" buwahaha. those hand motions, only you and i know! :D Those hand motions show how much i love them? You're Awesome(:~angelagkim.70907
PAULA was HERE 04.01.07.
so what can i say ..bout Robin Hong? Well, we met this year in Mrs. Cage..s 6th period algebra class. you know, the class that always comes in last place. At first, i thought he was a weirdo , cos.. i didn..t know him, and i was sitting in the same table as he was. Pretty soon, we became really good friends. What can i say, i luhhv.. this kidd..! He may look like i geek, but he..s a pretty cool geek!<[b>: Robin is just overall sweet, generous, funny, respectful, he..s just so cool. OH, & his shirts, cool, too<[b>: He..s a person i know i can count on, & depend on. I hope it stays this way for a long long time. the end.
G-Bear hacking
Yo this is Robin saxophone buddy Geeha KIM. this awesome dude is better than me in the saxophone and hes been playing for like three or two years. and hes a FREESMEN in gahr hs which is awesome. hes always funny and one of the smartest in our group. and use to sit in Mark hamiltions seat EWWWWW any ways hes aways there for me which is soo awesome. dang i keep saying awesome. he is also a MAJOR kingdom heart freak but just cus of that u shouldnt judge people. He also has a killer pinch. OWWWWWWW any ways this G-bear hacking