March23,1999 6lbs 12oz's he was healthy,walking,talking,and everything a baby should be doing,around 13 months he started having seizure's,though he was having the seizure's it didn't seem to effect any thing else.when he turned about 18 months he lost his hearing, then a few months later he lost the ability to do everything.He couldn't walk ,talk,or even sit up on his own,the doctors are all at a loss,the have no clue why this has happened.Now he is 10 and through the years he has had pneumonia 29 times, and because of that he requires oxygen all the time. He has the abilities of a 4 month old baby.his body has regressed he now has a heart problem, seizures,lung problems,gastric problems,dental problems,his shoulders, knee's,and elbows dislocate all the time,he also has a mild dislocation of the left hip,now he has urine reflux which coulod be a result of a neurogenic bladder,just recently we have noticed that he hasn't been holding his head up that well,where before he was doing ok.but needless to say, all who know him no that he is a strong little boy who is always happy,and loves everyone.I hope one day soon a doctor can find out whats wrong with him,cause things aren't getting better.we have a great big family,and alot of friends, thank you to everyone for always being there, and loving,and caring for Lucas so much.Love,Denise
billy joel,bruce willis,Kevin Smith, ben rothelisberger,the pittsburgh..steeler team,daneil powter,ericka slezak,adrian brody,george cloony,, susan lucci,william H macy,jon bonjovi and tom skritt.Lucas would like to meet,the mets, martin brodour, and david wright
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