I'm a Spanador. I'm half Black Labrador and half Cocker Spaniel, but my physical traits show that I'm mostly Spaniel.
I was abandoned as a puppy with my eleven brothers and sisters in Tampa, Florida. We were found in a field and luckily, the nice people at the no-kill shelters we were taken to took very good care of us.
My brother Saint and I were the last of our litter but were adopted by a family in Fort Myers. We're two more members of the family and we're very loved. We're very lucky to have found such good homes...
-I have a very good mom and she spoils me rotten.
-I love Milk Bones and can NEVER get enough of them.
-I love to eat
-I can sit, lay down, 'take the treat nice', and also sing
-I have severe ADD when it comes to food