Doing things differently
someone who wont disappoint me
href=" JvZmlsZS5jb20vbGF5b3V0cy9kZXRhaWxzLnBocD9zaXRlPW15c3BhY2UmY2 F0PTEwJmNuYW1lPVJlZHdvb2RzJmxpZD0xNDEyMA=="Redwoods - Image Hosting
conflict * oi polloi * flux of pink indians * crass* Kanye West *talib kweli * Dead Prez * The Coup * tupac * aus rotten * !tchkung * nina simone * mirah * I object! * the cure * cyndi lauper * Pat Benetar* New Order * godspeed * .....
anchorman, taladega nights, stand by me, over the edge, the legend of billy jean
arrested development and curb your enthusiasm ... oh shit- I forgot I was supposed to pretend I was far too intellectual for television.
I only read political theory. maybe one day I will branch out