What's with all the personal questions????? Why don't I just give you my social security number while I'm at it!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
The guys who invented Wiffle Ball and Butterfinger Minis... width="425" height="350" ..
Sounds of the Rainforest 2. It's waaaaay better than 1 and it has a killer bonus track.
The only movies I watch is the ones Jennifer and I make of our dogs in compromising positions w/ each other and neighbor dogs. It's quite the money maker.
I own 3! Thanks to Best Buy and an employee w/ a sweet discount that shall remain nameless for the courts.
I only read the stuff I write on the walls in the bathroom at work and home. That's it, NO exceptions!
Your Birthdate: January 16
Your birth on the 16th day of the month gives a sense of loneliness and generally the desire to work alone.You are relatively inflexible, and insist on your being independent.You need a good deal of time to rest and to meditate.You are introspective and a little stubborn.Because of this, it may not be easy for you to maintain permanent relationships, but you probably will as you are very much into home and family.This birth day inclines to interests in the technical, the scientific, and to the religious or the unknown realm of spiritual explorations.The date gives you a tendency to seek unusual approaches and makes your style seem a little different and unique to those around you.Your intuition is aided by the day of your birth, but most of your actions are bedded in logic, responsibility, and the rational approach.You may be emotional, but have a hard time expressing these emotions.Because of this, there may be some difficulty in giving or receiving affection.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
My Aunt Marie of course! She's the best! She even bought me a He-Man sword waaaay back when (2 yrs ago) - YEAH SO!!!