The Name Is Jamie , yeah, Jamie,
not Jimmy, or you can call me John anywho.
I don't like people, Chances are I won't like you.
I am as most people say Weird ,
Here are some Facts
I like to observe people..
I love Java, the whole Bean
I don't cry
I find weird things interesting
I remember Faces
I don't like animals
I don't show emotion but to one person
I will only use Non-dairy powdered creamer
I'm Good with Directions
I love my Pookie Bear
You will never figure me out :)
I read the dictionary
I hate cheap Java
I'm Faithful and loyal
I hate people who don't know what Java is
I love Armin
Imogen Heap makes me sleepy
I find Comfort in solitude
I'm not a clutter bug
I will correct you, even if I don't know you
I have Nifty Friends
I deal with stress better than most
I want to know the way you
I'm Sarcastic
I'm Bitter
I push the limits on everything
I've been electrocuted ..several times
I think Mo is super
I make names for people so I can remember them.
I like the obscure
I like wires
I have weird ordain fascination with the human mind
I remember things others usually wouldn't
I'm in love, but I will not admit it freely
I never forget
I will say nothing unless I am for sure
I can't stand two-faced little twits, liars and people who thrive on infidelity, go play in front of a Desert Eagle
and have your head taken off.
I'm an Addict to Java.
I don't like North Carolina, rather the people in it, but you have moronic people everywhere, so I'm going to eventually move to Antarctica , because hardly any people, and I love the Cold Weather, I dislike Heat, I absolutely abhor sweating.
I like Bananas they are nifty. I hate Cats and I used to have one, I ate him . he wasn't that tasty, kind of stringy, and I use him just for his canned kitty food.
I like Cherries
Think, Relate, Act
I 'm al w ays
I like eating Babies .
I Bloody
hate Seafood ,
Chicken , Mushrooms and Olives. Oh, and I don't like
Bologna , Bleh, gross out, I just love the thought of eating cow face skin and
other none appealing snizz, no worries, It's all goodstuff!!!
I cannot stand the song
Unfaithful , sorry song as it is, people are such
sheep, and can't keep their twats closed or their dicks in their pants as it is,
so why make a song about infidelity , why, because everyone are mere imbeciles,
and do not know any better.
That other moronic song, Lips of an angel, frack that.
Makes me just want to hop in my truck and run down some morons...
Hey what did you do today, "Oh not much, I went to lunch,
ran over 39 people , got a salad, at the end of the day, I ran my Boss over, then
I went and got some Vodka , you?"
If you think I'm totally negative,
You may be correct , but you don't know
Don't place a label on something you know nothing of.
"People Fear what they do not understand"
So, be an Ass and Say hello