I suppose I cannot begin to describe myself, but I shall try. I am an avid animal lover, and honestly, the more people I meet, the more I love the animals. I am also a lover of people, but I have high standards, and I am sorry to say that most of the people I meet don't make the cut. I am disgusted by the world around me, by the lack of respect, the lack of decency and the lack of truthfulness that I find. I love my family and my friends, and I am proud to say I have good friends who are friends when I need them, not just when they need me. If I'm no longer your friend, that's why! I'm a good daughter, a good mom, and the queen of dumb jokes that only I get. My lessons in life have been hard, but I have learned from them, and arrived at this place called the present with dignity, patience and courage. I have been lied to, deceived and betrayed, which simply makes me like all of you. I am a self professed drama queen, and I have miraculously managed to hang onto my sense of humor and a shread of hope for the future. I've learned a lot this past year, as two of the people I loved with all of my heart left this world. I learned that nothing is guaranteed, life is precious, and love, love is worth the risk. I plan to leave this world a better place than I found it. If you plan to do the opposite, don't try to befriend me. Walk away, I do not like you. Your actions are what I fight against, and your words are on a frequency I refuse to tune into. Frankly, you're wasting precious oxygen the animals could be breathing. Some day I shall pass from this world and join old friends and loved ones on the other side. Hey Daddy, hey Kat, see you on the other side...........
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