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cheer up filmpje
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 05:32:00 GMT
so move on, hold on, or fucking fake it. either way, we're losing. either way i'm losing. remember when this was everything? in a way, it still is. i want to feel that way again. but you don't feel in...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:59:00 GMT
With my bags packed and ready to goAnd nothing's ever hurt so much for meTo let you go, than to let this go
Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 23:54:00 GMT
So every now and then you make these new great friends,who make you realize that it's already great great friends you haveand that they're really worth something, if not a lot.Yet sometimes, you figur...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 16:44:00 GMT
Ik zal je vergeten en weer ontmoeten.Ik zal je vergeten, ontmoeten en weer vergeten.Ik zal je weer ontmoeten.Ik zal je vergeten en weer vergeten en weer vergeten,ik zal wandelen door dozijnen parken,l...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:37:00 GMT
This is where it ends.I’m putting my foot down.I’m sick of second guessing and I’mFucking sick of falling down.Rock bottom is a beautiful start.We’re rising up to show the worl...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:00:00 GMT
At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a lo...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:27:00 GMT
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. Its like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:22:00 GMT
counting the days
petty fights about who knows what, it's been going on forever so why all the shock, I don't care about your girlfriend, I don't care about your god, I don't care about your friends that think they are...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 13:46:00 GMT
When you love someone, you've got to trust them, there's no other way.You've got to give 'm the key to everything that's yours. Otherwise, what's the point?
(And for a while, I believed that's the kin...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:45:00 GMT