Extreme Spirituals, performed by legendary contemporary music ensemble, Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, and internationally renowned bass-baritone vocalist, Oral Moses, is a musical fusion of cultures. The project combines all the tradition of the African-American spiritual with the avant-garde, contemporary, classical arrangements of Birdsongs of the Mesozoic.
Extreme Spirituals’ synthesis of two vastly different musical genres produces an evocative sound that is both progressive and spiritually moving. Celebrated classical opera vocalist, Oral Moses, completes the 21st century sound of this collaboration project, maintaining the traditional sound of the African American spiritual, while accenting the modern-classical composition of the music.
Extreme Spirituals, as well as the entire Birdsongs Cuneiform catalog, is now available on iTunes.
"These aren't just African-American songs--these are American songs." -- Oral Moses
"Totally sublime and deeply moving." -- The Noise
"Birdsongs is distinguished by a sound that's at once avant-garde, organic, contemporary-sounding, and primal-feeling--their reach is vast." -- The Boston Globe