Magnum TigAr profile picture

Magnum TigAr

JULIET!! You know you want it!

About Me

METAAAAAL! I love to gan out on the peeve up in newcastle, trills fuckin rawks. Metal up ya ma! I co run my own design firm with 2 awesome lads (*raise a pint), do this while studying illustration at university too. I lived in asia for years, so im a little on the crazy side, funny geordie/american accent and general pisshead. 'avin it! Muahahaha. Love hangin out with the guys. A shout out to my girl lucy cz she rocks and is the greatest thing I could ever have, mwah xxx

Myspace Layouts at / Tool-10,000 Days

My Interests

Music | guitars | drawing | painting | photography | art history | humour | reading | watchin movies | making cocktails | drinking |

I'd like to meet:

Maynard James Keenan - One of the greatest lyricists of our time
"You're the only one who can hold your head up high, Shake your fists at the gates saying: "I have come home now! Fetch me the spirit, the son, and the father. Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended. It's time now! My time now! Give me my, give me my wings!""



Can't wait for the Silver Surfer Film, new Iron Man film (because it has warmachine in it), obviously the Spiderman 3, the Wolverine prequel, and Alpha Dog (which has Timbersnake in it).


Tv be-eth not what it was in ye olde days of thine 80s


Lord of the Rings | Remix | Redrobe | Mythology | Kingdom Come | Arkham Asylum | The Fantastic Mr Fox |


Drink Of The Gods

Dan - Crazy Older Brother

Greg - Psychoweasel Brother

Lucy - My Fantastisch Girlfriend YAY!

Neil - Longest Buddy

Drew - aka Honey Monster

Kev - Legohead

Legs - Rock Protoge

Andy - Boy Now In A Valley

Zsolti - Dinosaur Hunter Pal

Dan - Drunken Mexican

My Blog

no more band requests

SERIOUSLYI am sick and tired of getting at least 5 requests from bands each time I log in, usually the music is shit anyway, and ive gotten to the point where I don't even listen to their songs on the...
Posted by Magnum TigAr on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:45:00 PST

jazzy hannay

Your results:You are Han SoloHan Solo 79%Luke Skywalker 71%Jar Jar Binks 65%Princess Leia 62%Anakin Skywalker 59%Darth Vader 57%Chewbacca 55%Mace Windu 55%R2-D2 53%C-3PO 52%Even though you've been des...
Posted by Magnum TigAr on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 07:50:00 PST

Quiz From Pastie

DO THIS QUIZ ON ME NOW! 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do ...
Posted by Magnum TigAr on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 07:45:00 PST


I've had this profile a while but never used it. My GOD I need to edit the way my page looks....
Posted by Magnum TigAr on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 04:17:00 PST