Myspace Layouts at / Tool-10,000 Days
Myspace Layouts at / Tool-10,000 Days
Music | guitars | drawing | painting | photography | art history | humour | reading | watchin movies | making cocktails | drinking |
Maynard James Keenan - One of the greatest lyricists of our time
"You're the only one who can hold your head up high,
Shake your fists at the gates saying:
"I have come home now!
Fetch me the spirit, the son, and the father.
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.
It's time now!
My time now!
Give me my, give me my wings!""
Can't wait for the Silver Surfer Film, new Iron Man film (because it has warmachine in it), obviously the Spiderman 3, the Wolverine prequel, and Alpha Dog (which has Timbersnake in it).
Tv be-eth not what it was in ye olde days of thine 80s
Lord of the Rings | Remix | Redrobe | Mythology | Kingdom Come | Arkham Asylum | The Fantastic Mr Fox |
Drink Of The Gods
Dan - Crazy Older Brother
Greg - Psychoweasel Brother
Lucy - My Fantastisch Girlfriend YAY!
Neil - Longest Buddy
Drew - aka Honey Monster
Kev - Legohead
Legs - Rock Protoge
Andy - Boy Now In A Valley
Zsolti - Dinosaur Hunter Pal
Dan - Drunken Mexican