Arid Word Episode is a one man band started in 2006 by me, Brock Haltiwanger. As you may have noticed it is also instrumental. I originally started this project as a means of recording some riffs/songs that I never got to put into any of the past bands I was in. The original demo consisted of about 3/5 of that material, and the rest was just stuff I wrote to round it out. I really liked how it turned out, so decided that AWE would just go on forever. So now it does. So far I've released a 7 song EP since the demo, and I am currently working on a full length record. I used to be against digital distribution, then I realized that it was a pretty bad business decision to do that considering I've yet to establish a big enough audience to support me, and have taken on a little bit of extra debt. So, you can purchase my music from these fine retailers:
I'm also on purevolume
If you would like to check out the other bands I am currently in, here are the links:
Roll Tide Roll!
Here are my really old bands too if you are bored enough. The pages obviously are not kept up anymore, but the songs still work:
From A Buick 8
Life Left