Professional musician, in the area of percussions.· I’ve played for different bands in different kinds of music, making a fusion of Latin percussions and new sounds. I’ve been playing for international dj’s, and teaching world percussion in different parts of the country.
· I’ve performed with artists like Armando Manzanero, Diego ‘’El Cigala’’, Eugenia Leon, Danilo Perez, Cafeina and the symphonic orchestra of the University of Chihuahua, in many international festivals in Chihuahua.
· I started the project ‘’health with percussion’’, helping people to heal from problems like stress, insomnia, fragile bones, motricity, blind kids and children with hyperactivity.
· Performed at the Bread and Puppet Theater in Vermont. And in New York and New Jersey with a percussion project.
· Clinics and workshops of Arabian percussion in different parts of the country and playing for international belly dancers like Sandra of San Francisco,CA ( and Maraia from Argentine (
· Performed in concerts in regions with ecological problems, teaching children how to build music instruments with domestic trash in ten days. The name of this project is ’’ Play Trash’’.
· Two years of being a percussion professor.
---------------------------soy de Chihuahua Chih, empece como alumno del maestro Manuel Bernal "el ovi" en el Centro de Estudios Musicales, tocando en orquestas de chihuahua juveniles y del estado.
MUcho tiempo despues, como percusionista nace proyecto ESCUCHARSE CON OJOS CERRADOS, teniendo la oportunidad de ir a presentarlo a la ciudad de Nueva York, acompañado del saxofonista Fer Diaz, despues viajo a Vermont para estar una temporada en Bread and Puppet.actualmente sigo con proyecto escucharse con ojos cerrados, y en proceso de la grabacion del segundo material, que sera con tambores Raramuris (etnia principal del estado de chihuahua), integrante del grupo cafeina Y por otra parte enseñando a niños y adultos a disfrutar de la percusion en un centro de activacion fisica (evolucion).
Ricky MartinezRicky Martinez