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CLICK HERE! Bikini Blood Bath Car Wash TRAILER
For the High-Def version of the trailer CLICK HERE!
London Betty (Red Band) Trailer from Hale Manor Productions on Vimeo .Four Stars! -Film Threat Read the review Check out this other quote! "Finally, indie comedy done right! "London Betty" is as laugh out loud funny as anything Seth Rogan puts out and sexy on top of it all. Highly recommended!" -Ron Bonk, For those of you who don’t know London Betty is a feature length comedy adventure that I have been working on for the past few years. It's stars Broadway atress Nicole Lewis(Rent,Hair,Lennon) Daniel Von Bargen (Malcolm in the Middle,Super Troopers) and is narrated by Clint Howard. If you’re interested in checking it out I’d love to see you all there. The film starts a little after 5pm on Saturday Sept. 27th. Go to for more detailsThis is a piece I edited for called Battle of the Batmans enjoy! To date if has about 3,000,000 views or so. To learn more go to or don't.This is a piece Called Tetris the movie that I directed for It has been seen close to 4,000,000 million times. ..For the ever so slight chance you may have watched the show Net_work on Yes I'm "Tom(The coolest guy in the office). I also direct content at black20.comI've been making films since I was ten. I remember making short films with Craig Reola and Billy Grant across the street with his dad's Super 8. "The Nuclear Warrior" was the first short I ever did. Made my first feature at 18, my second at 20, my third at 24. My 4th 5th 6th and 7th by 30. There's not a thing in this world that will keep me from making films.I'm a filmmaker. London Betty is my Seventh Feature film. It's currently touring the festival circuit and Stars Broadway actress Nicole Lewis (Hair,Joanne in RENT) Daniel Von Bargen (Grady from Super Troopers/Krueger from Seinfeld) and is narrated by Clint Howard (Halloween,Arrested Development). I'm probably best known right now for my best selling 8 time indie film award winner and critical success The Land of College Prophets or the Bikini Bloodbath film series trilogy. As a matter of fact you probably never heard of The Land of College Prophets and only know about Bikini Bloodbath.....I can live with that. This is a piece I cut called 300 PG version but people have knick-named it Cake Town. It's not something I consider a good piece of editing nor special effects but people sure as shit like it. To date it has well over 10,000,000 views...We here at Hale Manor have a full load this year. We'll be touring the festival circuit with London Betty for the next year. So keep an eye out for screenings in your state.This is some behind the scenes footage of London Betty. It's kind of long and breaks into some pretty strange music but if you want to know a little more you may enjoy it.Revised
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gary Oldman,John Carpenter, John Malkovich, Steve Buschemi, Christopher Walken, Lilly Talyor, Frank Darabont, Bruce Campbell Oliver Platt, Parker Posey, Marshal Bell, Rutguer Hauer, Curtis Hanson, Robert Rodriguez, Tesla (both the inventor and the band, why not) Bobby Kennedy, Barack Obama!Also, I'd like to meet artists and performers and cool people in general.

My Blog

LONDON BETTY official selection of the Hoboken film festival (A top ten film festival!!)

It's official they just called it today. LONDON BETTY is an official selection of the Hoboken film festival. The Hoboken film festival, formerly the New Jersey Film Festival has been called one of the...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 13:51:00 GMT

Vote for London Betty in the NY POST!!, It's me Tom Seymour. The Trailer for my film London Betty is in a competition put on bythe NEW YORK POST. Can you vote for my film? You don not have to reg...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:18:00 GMT

London Betty just picked up a BEST DRAMEDY nomination

Hey Folks London Betty just picked up a BEST DRAMEDY nomination at the Bare Bones International Film Festival. Sweet that makes Five film festivals and counting. Thanks to all involved.-Thomas Edward...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 17:12:00 GMT

London Betty: official selection to the 2009 Bare Bones film competition!

London Betty just got into the Bare Bones film festival. That makes the fifth film festival London Betty will screen in with two director's showcases and one win already under our belt. I'm honored to...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 08:38:00 GMT

I put six new clips up from my new Indie comedy film London Betty yToken=46eac111-9a39-4630-a3da-c23ba3441e89I put six new clips up from my new Indie comedy film London Betty. So for those who want a little...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 14:53:00 GMT


FREE BIKINI BLOODBATH CARWASH GIVEAWAY!!!Just go to this link and write the guys at film arcade an E-mail. It's tha easy. It's a DVD giveaway promo!-Tom
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:23:00 GMT

Vote for ME!! Everyone. There is this new Web Awards ceremony called The Streamys. I was wondering if you all might considered hitting the link below and voting for meThoma...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 09:35:00 GMT

DVD give away Bikini Bloodbath Carwash

The guys at Film Arcade are helping us out promoting by doing a DVD giveaway of our newest film Bikini Bloodbath Carwash. It's a funny horror flick. If you interested click below. It's quick and easy!...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 21:08:00 GMT


Hey I just finished a new Poster for my new Film London Betty. Check out my profile and for those of you who haven't bought Bikini Bloodbath Carwash on DVD. Ummmm, if it's your thing that would be coo...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:35:00 GMT

Quantum of Bonds was edited using Casino Royal (Daniel Craig's first Bond film) and all of the Pierce Brosnan Bond films. With the help of Mike O'Gorman's perf...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 08:00:00 GMT