Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name?? Timmy
What's your mommy/owners name? Vanessa
What breed are you? Chihuahua mix
How much did you cost?? I am priceless
What's your facorite toy? My adopted brother, Coco
Tap water ot bottled water? Filtered Water
Do you always walk or are you always carried? I walk.
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? 10 lbs
Do you wear clothes? sometimes
Long or short hair? short
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor...I rule the household
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? My own bed
What's your fave color? I am color blind..aren't we dogs color blind?
Do you chase cats or get along with them? I hate cats. I chase them but back out after
How old are you? (in people years) almost 4 years old
Do you like to go swimming? Are you kidding? I hate the water!!!
Are you fixed? You bet I am
What color are your eyes? Dark Brown and Black
What color is your hair? Very black
Do you get groomed? Mom brushes my hair occassionally
Are you potty trained? Uhuh
How much do you bark? Too much
Have you ever bit anyone? My adopted brother, Coco
Do you believe in interbreedal mating? Well I am a mix. Bio Mom is too promiscous!!!
Do you like the bath or hate it? I hate it but what can I do?
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack? I love attention but some dogs annoy me
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you? No, those are for wimps
Do you do any doggie sports?? Football. Cjeck out my pics
How cute are you from 1 to 10? 11