hyee ppl;sz. wel hav yu evr wunderedd wuht lyfee;sz all boutt. wundered whethr lyfee wil evr tkee yu sumwhr. wundered if sum1 out thr iisz actually waiitiinqq fer yu nd iisz thiinkiinqq bout yu at diisz moment. wel ii hav. mii nme;sz sukhpreet, born wiif iit nd quna liiv wiif iit. im punjabi nd im not ashamedd of it. ii hav alwaiisz been toldd daht ii thiinkk 2 much, whiich iisz truee cusz ii alwaiisz qota wunder. ii dnt lykee 2 fiitee wiif ppl, it jst cum;sz naturally 2 me, buht iif yer nycee 2 me, den ii;l b dha niicestt ii can b 2. nd ii hav lykedd sum1 2, ii mean rlliiee rlliiee lykee sum1 daht ii wud cry evrytymee ii thouqhtt bout em. wuht ii hated wasz daht sumtyme;sz, ii knew iit wasz all a liie, nd daht ii wasz quna end up hurt. iidk, ii jst wna belevee daht diisz onee wasz dha onee fer me, nd ii quessz ima hav 2 keep mii headd up hiiqhh nd liiv lyfe. wen ii waszz iin elementaryy, ii usedd 2 qett bulliiedd on nd wasz notedd asz onee of dha nerd;szz... wen ii qott 2 6thh qradee, ii chanqedd evrythenn boutt me, jst 2 fiit iin. nd quessz wuht, iit wurkedd, buht at tyme;sz ii missz dha waii ii usedd 2 b, nd ii wantt sum1 2 lykee me fer mii personaliityy, not mi lewk;szz. ii lykee 2 b aroundd ppl daht ii can b miiself wiif. ii dnt wna hav 2 chanqee wuht nd who ii am. ii lykee 2 lauqhh a lot, nd ii can b rlliiee weiird. nd im ok wiif dahtt ndd ii want sum1 who;sz okk wiif daht 2. newaii;szz iif yu qot any othr questiion;sz, jst askk, messaqee iit or commentt iit, or askk fer dha aiim. o01sz'. <33
I only want to be with you; on two conditions
[ always & forever ]Being with you made me feel like...
for once in my life
I wouldn't have to work so hard on being happy
that it could just happen.