gabrielle autumn leith;
my best friend; my protector.
the person who said distance brought people further apart was proven wrong the day i met you. you have been there for me through thick and thin. you're there when everyone else walks out. you know things about me i wouldn't daaaare tell anyone else. you've become the biggest part of my life over these past years, and i never thought we'd be so close, to be honest. we fight a lot, but i don't regret one day i've known you. you've changed me in so many ways, i'm not the same person i was when i met you. i'm a better person. and i have you to thank for that. i wouldn't trade our whole mother-daughter relationship for the world, along with our friendship. no one could everrrr compare to you. i wont bond with anyone like i've bonded with you. and i can promise you that. i haaate having you here, then watching you leave. its like this huuge part of me walking away. just leaving my body and flying across the country. and it sucks. but, in the end, its all soooo worth it. because i know i'll never meet anyone like you, and i know i'll see you again soon enough. i love you to death, donn't you everrr forget it. I'll always be there to catch you, i promise, even from miles away, <3
life <3
gabrielle autumn leith, brianna bea wood, mitchell edward witley, bryce mitchell witley, abigail lynne witley, shelby lynn bailey, amylie kira anderson, brianna joy bataran, morgan breanna chabot.