Claire Bear profile picture

Claire Bear

Wow Claire, When I put on your pink sunglasses, everything is pink! Thanks, Brandon!

About Me

My college buddies- well some of them!♥ I'm Claire.
♥ I'm a Christian.
♥ I am 19 and a Sophmore at Milligan College, in east TN.
♥ I want to be a teacher.
♥ I am tall.
♥ My favorite colors are yellow and purple.
♥ I love to talk!
♥ I went to the smallest high school in the world.
♥ I love to walk with bare feet
♥ I love flip flops
♥ I have a super bad temper!
♥ I can be a super mean person, if you make me mad, but most of the time I am one of the nicest people in the world.
♥ I will do almost anything for people that I love
♥ I am loyal
♥ I love heights
♥ I am obsessed with sweet tea
♥ I am random
♥ Simple things mean the most to me, I like the little things
♥ I love inside jokes.
♥ I can be a risk taker (depending on what kind of risks you are talkin about)
♥ I am one of the most insecure people you will ever meet.
♥ I can block out all emotion with a blink of my eyes
♥ I love peaches
♥ I LOVE children.
♥ I am from Montpelier, Virginia.
♥ I have two brothers, two cats and two dogs.
♥ I love playing sports: Volleyball, Soccer, and Basketball.
♥ I love to fourwheel with my friends and just play in the mud.
♥ My friends are the greatest people in the world, no matter what.
♥ I love food... ;)
♥ peanut butter owns
♥ I LOVE music: Country and Christian mainly.
♥ I love being at church worshiping God
♥ I love hanging out with friends
♥ Taking pictures is great, but being in them isn't so great.
♥ Black and White pictures are AMAZING!
♥ Guys with nice eyes are always good
♥ Guys that are taller than I am are always a plus as well.
X I HATE HATE HATE being late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X being tall
X ignorant people
X cheaters
X being bored
X getting bad grades
X feeling like i don't mean anything to anybody
X depression
X being sick
X people that think they're the greatest/perfect when they're not!
X snobs
X being/feeling left out
X backstabbers
X drama
X fake people
X shoes(minus flip flops)
X I hate to cry, it makes me mad, which in turn makes me cry harder, if I am already crying.... (I'm weird I know.)
X spit, puke, and snot (but I want to teach little children, I have no idea what is wrong with me...)
X I hate being lied to about anything
X trusting people that just turn out to be nothing but liars and untrustworthy
X I hate when people touch me when I'm in a bad mood (most of the time)
There is alot more about me, if you want to know more message me
AIM~ aCeChristnbld04
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My Interests

People from home that I love!!!!!I love to play soccer, basketball, and volleyball. I love going to church and hanging out with my friends, and the amazing people from CVAG. I like to read and chill.


I'd like to meet:

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Country and Christian


Coach Carter
The Longest Yard
A Walk to Remember
Forrest Gump
The Notebook
Finding Neverland
so many more....


Grey's Anatomy
Dawson's Creek
Boy Meets World
Gilmore Girls


The Bible
Anything by C.S. Lewis
Anything by Melody Carlson
I read all the time, so just about anything that I can get my hands on


Sara- I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her

My Blog

CVAG Amazingness

So I am back at Milligan. I am not really sure how I feel about this yet. I know that everyone isn't back yet, and I am sure that will help, but I miss home. I miss my amazing friends and how close we...
Posted by Claire Bear on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST

You'd Think

You would think I have learned my lesson by now and stop letting people in. Those few people that I do let , well most of them end up hurting me. I really think that I am the idiot..moron.. one of the...
Posted by Claire Bear on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 07:34:00 PST

Inside Jokes

So today I was with friends from high school and someone said something that I had not heard in a long time. So I started thinking about all the inside jokes that I could remember!so here we go:~ 12!!...
Posted by Claire Bear on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 08:05:00 PST


THE LAST PERSON WHO:1. The last person to sleep in your bed: Me 2. Saw you cry: ummm... wow it has been a while, I guess it was Ally 3. Made you cry: Ryan- that was not a good day 4. You went to the m...
Posted by Claire Bear on Mon, 15 May 2006 08:35:00 PST

Some Random Guy in my bed...

    My brothers best friend, Davis, is over and is spendin the night. Davis has a track meat of some sorts tomorrow, and so has to get up early. I walk upstairs to my room and turn the ...
Posted by Claire Bear on Sat, 06 May 2006 09:00:00 PST

APPLEBEES!!!!!!!! ( I spend tooo much time there)

So Jacob, Mallory, Kara, and I go to Applebees tonight. ( We NEVER EVER go to Applebees... haha) Kara is eating the ice out of her water like she does every night and she spills her water EVERYWHERE.....
Posted by Claire Bear on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:00:00 PST


So this past weekend back home was amazing! I really do love all my amazing friends. First off I love seeing how people have grown, grown up and grown spiritually. Though they haven't grown in height,...
Posted by Claire Bear on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:15:00 PST

So yeah

    So these are super random thoughts that have been running through my head for the past month.... They make no sense and surve no purpose I'm sure!I hope you see what you have done t...
Posted by Claire Bear on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 03:52:00 PST

I just wanna stop trying...

I dunno... sometimes I just want to quit and ball up in a ball and just sleep for the rest of my life. I wouldn't have to worry about being hurt or anything like that. I could just sleep and never hav...
Posted by Claire Bear on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 08:59:00 PST

IF HE LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IF THE PERSON I HAVE COME TO TRUST THE MOST IN THIS WORLD HAS LIED TO ME... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WILL DO! Right now all I wanna do is ball up and cry and pray that he didn't lie to me. I won't allow my...
Posted by Claire Bear on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 08:13:00 PST