My college buddies- well some of them!♥ I'm Claire.
♥ I'm a Christian.
♥ I am 19 and a Sophmore at Milligan College, in east TN.
♥ I want to be a teacher.
♥ I am tall.
♥ My favorite colors are yellow and purple.
♥ I love to talk!
♥ I went to the smallest high school in the world.
♥ I love to walk with bare feet
♥ I love flip flops
♥ I have a super bad temper!
♥ I can be a super mean person, if you make me mad, but most of the time I am one of the nicest people in the world.
♥ I will do almost anything for people that I love
♥ I am loyal
♥ I love heights
♥ I am obsessed with sweet tea
♥ I am random
♥ Simple things mean the most to me, I like the little things
♥ I love inside jokes.
♥ I can be a risk taker (depending on what kind of risks you are talkin about)
♥ I am one of the most insecure people you will ever meet.
♥ I can block out all emotion with a blink of my eyes
♥ I love peaches
♥ I LOVE children.
♥ I am from Montpelier, Virginia.
♥ I have two brothers, two cats and two dogs.
♥ I love playing sports: Volleyball, Soccer, and Basketball.
♥ I love to fourwheel with my friends and just play in the mud.
♥ My friends are the greatest people in the world, no matter what.
♥ I love food... ;)
♥ peanut butter owns
♥ I LOVE music: Country and Christian mainly.
♥ I love being at church worshiping God
♥ I love hanging out with friends
♥ Taking pictures is great, but being in them isn't so great.
♥ Black and White pictures are AMAZING!
♥ Guys with nice eyes are always good
♥ Guys that are taller than I am are always a plus as well.
X I HATE HATE HATE being late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X being tall
X ignorant people
X cheaters
X being bored
X getting bad grades
X feeling like i don't mean anything to anybody
X depression
X being sick
X people that think they're the greatest/perfect when they're not!
X snobs
X being/feeling left out
X backstabbers
X drama
X fake people
X shoes(minus flip flops)
X I hate to cry, it makes me mad, which in turn makes me cry harder, if I am already crying.... (I'm weird I know.)
X spit, puke, and snot (but I want to teach little children, I have no idea what is wrong with me...)
X I hate being lied to about anything
X trusting people that just turn out to be nothing but liars and untrustworthy
X I hate when people touch me when I'm in a bad mood (most of the time)
There is alot more about me, if you want to know more message me
AIM~ aCeChristnbld04
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