Jessie: She is damn cool....and i love her lots and lots..We get drunk together and sleep at eachothers houses lots cos were cool. Were getting marrriiieddddd!! Got that?????????????Brogan: brogan is a leggennd...foot :) me n her have really random times...usually involving alcohol haha,, she is tooooo cool for school and she sure likes salad cream!!!!!!Ashyy: well she is awesome we have really random picture moments and just randomly meet up...spurrr of the moment... she loves my little pony and has a HUGGEEE! snoopy:OCarrie: well carrie a new member of the family,,i mean literally she lives at my house,, we sit up till like 2am talking about random shit,, she rocks my socks:PFreya: californian babe!! me and her are the ULTIMATE posers,, she onli lives here 6 weeks a year but we just party on our 1 bedroomed, 2 bed house alone!!! sexx!