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We are here to help you learn the Olde Ways so that the Wisdoms we have gathered and learned are not forgotten for the future generations.
Direction: Traveling East on Rt 33 turn right at the Thunderbird Diner (Island Ford Rd) and then left at the first crossroad (McGaheysville Rd.), go to the end. The School is located at Pandora's Box on the right.
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If you aren't comfortable driving due to weather conditions , then it would be safe to assume that the meeting is cancelled. If you have any questions or would like verification of a weather related cancellation please call the school.
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The linage of the Sanctuary and School has come from the Rev. Lady Kehala, founder.
Sacred Ways Circle: HPS Rev. Lady Kehala. Ecclectic Pagen. West Augusta, VA. Started Oct 1198, Officially. Was unofficially since 1996. Disbanded 2004.
Earthwalk Spiritual Ministry Pagen Church: HPS Lady Aynne (Morrison). Eclectic Pagen. Manassass, VA Presented Lady Kehala, with Bridget's Fire from Ireland, and 3rd degree on April 1, 1999.
Life Temple and Seminary: HPS Lady Mau Bast (Jackie Brunson) at that time Lord Min was HP, but was on sebatical. Celtic Wiccan Path. Whitmore, SC. It was dissolved soon after. It was reinstated in NC.
Hived from:
Ravenscry: HPS Lady Bedeya and HP Lord Lugh. Celtic Wiccan Path. Has since disolved. Located in Greenville SC.
Hived from:
Ravenwood Church and Seminary of the Olde Religion. Founded by Lady Sintana in 1977. Now HPS is Lady Larina. Celtic Wiccan Path. Located in Atlanta, GA.
Our Sister Covens are:
Cat's Lair Temple and Seminary: HPS Lady Mau Bast and HP Lord KiRen. Celtic Wiccan Path, Native American, Shaminism, Dianic, Hived from Life Temple. Located in Greenville SC.
Cilldara: HPS Lady Aletria. Received her 3rd degree on Feb 8, 2003. Celtic, Irish. Located in Louisa VA.
Illuminated Ways Sanctuary and Spiritual School Heirarchy:
President and High Priestess: Rev. Lady Kehala
Advisor and Second: Open
Secretary, Scribe: Wildflower Dove
Treasurer: Open
Watcher: Open
Teachers and Elders:
The Magickal Calendar
The Wheel of the Year
October 31st: Samhain, also known as All Hollow’s Eve, Halloween, Ancestor’s night. This time celebrates the end of the goddess rule, and marks the time of the God rule, it gives balance to the year. The name Samhain means “summer’s end.†It also represents our New Year. It is a time when the veil is very thin between the physical world, and the spiritual world. This is the time when spirits of deceased loved ones, friends, and ancestors are honored.
December 21st: Winter Solstice, Yule, Midwinter Rite. The longest night of the year. It is a time when the days begin to grow longer and the nights decrease. It is the festival of the Sun’s rebirth. Love, family, togetherness, and accomplishments of the past year are celebrated. At this time the Yule log is burned to give life, and power to the Sun. Simply this is the time when the Lord watches over the Earth, so the Lady may rest for Spring.
February 2nd: Imbolc, Candlemas. This is a fire festival that celebrates the coming of spring. It also represents new beginnings, spiritual growth, and getting rid of old. A time to celebrate the light’s return.
March 21st: Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Festival of the Trees, Ostara, Eostre. This is the first day of spring. It is a fertility rite, celebrating the rebirth of Life. The Mother Earth awakens.
May 1st: Beltane, May Day, Rudemas. This is a fire festival, also a fertility festival. It celebrates the God and Goddess, joining to create Life. A festival for Brigit.
June 21st: Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Litha. Longest day of the year. This is the time to harvest herbs, for spells and potions. One of the most powerful times to do any magickal workings, for this is believed to be one of the most powerful days of the year.
August 1st: Lammas, Lughnasadh. First festival of harvest. We give thanks to the Gods for our harvest.
September 21st: Autumn Equinox, Fall Sabbat, Mabon. This is the second festival of the harvest. A time for thanksgiving, meditation and introspection. A time to rededicate to the Craft. A time for initiation ceremonies.
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Recommended Reading
Every follower/practitioner of the Olde Ways should keep up a library of their own. This is a list of books that are good reading for those starting their path:
The Craft by Dorothy Morrison
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Paganism
True Magick by Amber K
The Wiccan Mysteries by Raven Grimassi
Wiccan Magic by Raven Grimassi
Everyday Magic by Dorothy Morrison
Any book by Scott Cunningham
These are excellent books to help start off your library. As you continue your studies, you will look into other authors, and find some you really like, and this is recommended. Let us know of any we missed.