*PrEtTy EyEs* profile picture

*PrEtTy EyEs*

* BiTcHeS wAnNa HaTe & I dOn'T GiVe A sHiT. CaUsE aT tHe EnD I'M sTiL bEtTeR tHaN uR aSs.*

About Me

***** Hey People what's sup? Well my name is Jessica. I live in a small ass town which we call it P-World... I just turn 21.......finally legal to drink....oh yea.. I love going out with my friends and meeting new people. Love to party and get crazy......... I'm very outgoing person but sometimes I can be shy if I don't know you.****** The one thing that I really like is racing. Belive it or not. I luv to race. Somtimes I win, somtimes I lose. But no worries. It's all about having fun and doing what you like to do. I'm still fixing up my car, but I'm hoping that it will be done by the end of this year! Still got a long way to go. Hope for da best!****** Well I guess that's enough about me and how about you????????

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

WeLl Im InTo ImPoRt CaRs AnD sTuFf.... I hAvE a 96 HoNdA cIvIc. BuT Im StIlL tRyInG tO gEt IT rEaDy FoR dA sHoWs. BuT iT aLmOsT dOnE. I jUsT oRdEr ThE lAmBo DoOr KiT. sO i CaNt WaIt TiLl It CoMeS...ohhhh My CaR iS gOInG tO bE Da BoMb. RiGhT nOw I hAvE aIr SuSpEnSiOn In My CaR, sO tHaT pReEty TiGhT. I hAvE 18 iNcH wHiTe RiMs oN iT. I aLsO gOt ThE R34 SkYlInE tAiLiGhTs, BuT tHeRe NoT oN mY cAr YeTTTT.... Im PlAnNiNg To PaInT mY cAr A cAnDy PiNk... Do U tHiNk tHaT cOo? mmmm... I gOt A bOdY kIt On My CaR......A TV iN dAsh,,mmmmmmmm aNd MaNy MoRe ThInGs.... ..

Your Porn Star Name is: Sweetest Sin

Get your own Porn Star Name

What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. 10
Fav. position doggy style
How you like it wet and messy
Where do you like doing it in a pool
how good are you? you need a new hobbie

This Quiz by sixmilesleft - Taken 27 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
What Makes You Sexy? by eva71
Sexy Body Part Is Your Eyes
Special Talents Are Looking Innocent

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

I wOuLd LiKe To MeEt SoMe Cool PeOpLe To KiCk It WiTh AnD jUsT hAvE a GoOd TiMe..... Im DoWn FoR aNyThInG... bUt I aNiT LoOkInG FoR a BoYfRiEnD cAuSe I aLrEaDy GoT mY bOo....
~~~awwwwwww my baby is so cute~~~


~~~~~~~I lOvE mUsIc.... My FaVoRiTe MuSiC iS rEgGaTon.......I lOvE dAnCiNg To ThAt. I aLSo LikE hIp HoP, RaP, aNd R&B. So YeA u GuYs ShOuLd ChEcK mE oUt On Da DaNcE fLOoR~~~~~~ a href="http://pp.blackplanet.com/BP-Grafix2"target="_blank"
Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?


" LeTs SeE... I lOvE wAtChInG sCaRy MoViEs, BeCaUsE tHeRe NoT eVeN sCaRy. Oh YeA aNd I lOvE wAtChInG fUnNy MoViEs, LiKe CoMeDy aNd sHiT. bUt I lOvE wAtChInG pOrN!!!!!!!!!!! J/K...... BuT mY fAvOrItE mOvIe Is ThE rInG....ohhhhhh ScArY!!!!"

How to make a Jessica
3 parts mercy
5 parts ambition
3 parts joy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little caring if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


I Mostly watch MTV. Like yo momma, sweet 16, parental controll, real world, and many more. I forgot what they were call.


Dont like to read...... Unless I have too for school.


My heroe is my mom cause she always there for me.

My Blog

* AlL mOsT gOt A tIcKeT *

* Well Saterday night as I was drving down lonetree in Antioch. I look in my rear view mirror and notice that there was a cop right behind me. As soon as I look he turn his lights on. So of course I p...
Posted by SwEeT pRiNcEsS on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 08:37:00 PST