HaNgIn ouT, dAncINg, soCIal dRinkIng, SinGinG... (mAgiC mIc :) ), ReLaXing, gOiNG oN a sHoPPiNg sPree (SPoNsErD by mY hUsBaND),
AlReaDY fOUnd Him... It'S mR. jOsEPH mArAPAo
rAggA mUffIn/ ReAgAE *hIp hOp *R&B *oLdIeS *Uh... evRyThnG! oooHhh YeAhhh... *tHe 80's
*ScarFaCe *iTaLiaN jOB *A Man ApaRT *oCeANs EleVen *GoNe in 60 sEcondS *TeARs of ThE sUn *TaXi *gREen mILe *PuNiShEr *DodGebAll *tHE LonGesT yaRd *ThE eXOrCisM OF eMiLy RoSE *wHITe ChICkS * (tOO MaNy...)
ThE pOkEr cHaNnEL! (I DoN't wAtCh muCh Of T.V cUZ mY hUsbAnds A cOnTrOl HoGgR! sO... ItS BaSkeTbalL oR pOkEr... Oh yeAH! i LiKe wAtChn "DiScOvErY hEaLTh" pReTTy CrAZzy StUfF... : )
"ThE PuRPoSE DrivEn LiFe" (STiL iN dA pRocEsS)
Does sKol BooKs coUnT?
How to make your very own PrInCEsS dEe
5 parts intelligence
5 parts courage
3 parts energy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
mY heRos WoUlD bE My pArEnTS And mY hUsBaND... dEY puSh mE 2 mY fULLesT And BeYoND! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!