**DiAnA** profile picture


Don't Piss me oFf... I could b Ur nURse! :p

About Me

HeLLo??? It's Dee NeEd i SaY mOrE? i'M pRetTy ChiLL... My hUsbAnD Said i'm ImPoSSIbLe bUt I sAy I'm jUsT BeIng MeeH! I'M stUbBorn MoSt of Da TyM eSpEcIallY WeN i dNt geT MY WaY! i lOvE sPeNDiN My tYm wId mY hUSbaND (Cuz He bUys mE tHNGs!!!) I lYk hElPiN oThErS wEn I CaN (aWwWw...) N StAyn hApPY... oH yEAH! aND i LiKe 2 CoOk 4 my HuSbAnd (cuZ eVen tHouGh... I wOuldN't eAt SuM Of it... hE sTiL sMiLEs ) HeeHEe ... tHx BaBe! Naw 4 rEaLs tHoUgh... I CAN COOK! sOOO If I hAVen't CooKd 4 u.. ItS cUZ i DoN't wanna :) cUrRentlY.. I'm Work'n aS a nursIng SuPervISOr! it'S tUFf wOrK Dude.. sOME Days I wanNA puLl ouT mY hAir n ScReAM at tHE tOp OF my lunGs... BuT hEY... Work HaRd Now N PlAy HaRdr LaTR.. rYT BAbY?!? AIM SN: oohsosleepyzz..

My Interests

HaNgIn ouT, dAncINg, soCIal dRinkIng, SinGinG... (mAgiC mIc :) ), ReLaXing, gOiNG oN a sHoPPiNg sPree (SPoNsErD by mY hUsBaND),

I'd like to meet:

AlReaDY fOUnd Him... It'S mR. jOsEPH mArAPAo


rAggA mUffIn/ ReAgAE *hIp hOp *R&B *oLdIeS *Uh... evRyThnG! oooHhh YeAhhh... *tHe 80's


*ScarFaCe *iTaLiaN jOB *A Man ApaRT *oCeANs EleVen *GoNe in 60 sEcondS *TeARs of ThE sUn *TaXi *gREen mILe *PuNiShEr *DodGebAll *tHE LonGesT yaRd *ThE eXOrCisM OF eMiLy RoSE *wHITe ChICkS * (tOO MaNy...)


ThE pOkEr cHaNnEL! (I DoN't wAtCh muCh Of T.V cUZ mY hUsbAnds A cOnTrOl HoGgR! sO... ItS BaSkeTbalL oR pOkEr... Oh yeAH! i LiKe wAtChn "DiScOvErY hEaLTh" pReTTy CrAZzy StUfF... : )


"ThE PuRPoSE DrivEn LiFe" (STiL iN dA pRocEsS) Does sKol BooKs coUnT?
How to make your very own PrInCEsS dEe
5 parts intelligence
5 parts courage
3 parts energy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


mY heRos WoUlD bE My pArEnTS And mY hUsBaND... dEY puSh mE 2 mY fULLesT And BeYoND! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

My Blog

Our unexpected blessing

We are sooo excited to share the great news with you! We will be expecting our first  baby! I'm so excited and sooooo scared, but with all the unconditional love and support from our family and ...
Posted by **DiAnA** on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 10:07:00 PST