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About me..... hmmm, well that's a subject that like most girls I love to talk about. I think one thing that should be said is that I was born under the sign of Taurus - a child of Venus, Patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving. Jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy with my affections. While I seem to be tough and rigid to some, to others I am meek and bending. Some see me as unruly, a true taurean and to others I am willing to appease and simply lovable. Depending on which side of me you know tells you where you are in my life. If you once knew the rigid and stubborn, outspoken, opinionated girl and you've come to know the sweet and open-minded, understanding one then you've moved up in my world... so to speak. Congratulations, for I consider you a friend. But, on the other hand if you once knew that sweet, loving, understanding girl and all of a sudden you're wondering what the hell happened to her. If that gal has recently turned into a bitter, sarcastic, evasive and elusive creature then the sad, sad word for you is... you must have pissed me off. You are now at the bottom of the world, in the pits of hell, emotionally bannished from me. You may still be in good social graces with me, there is still that blasted taurean trait that will not allow me to completely extricate you from my life, however until I (if I) decide that you are worthy of my forgivness, you will be stuck in a state of non-emotional existance.There is nothing greater than finding a part of yourself that you didn't even know was missing. When you are drawn to another person without prejudice, or hesitation, with no apprehensiveness. When you are compelled to give of yourself completely with no intention of ever asking for anything in return and give no thought to tomorrow what so ever because everything you never knew you wanted or needed is right here in this moment. When you heard their voice for the very first time, the first time you saw their face and your hearts recognized each other and you knew them instantly and completely. There is nothing more soulful and fullfilling than knowing that no matter how far away you go, or how many days go by, you are and will forever be connected, bound to one another by heartstrings, so that although you are seperated by life you are forever together by heart. "I loved you completely in another life and I am yours forever, throughout eternity. While I must hold myself at bay for now, I am comforted by having known you as friend in this lifetime as we muttle through to the next." Mo virvirim ~ Mo muirn�n; Tu coinnigh mo misneach. Mo ghr� t� go deo is cho�che, tu mo Cinni�int [My warrior ~ My beloved; You hold my heart. I will love you always and forever, you are my destiny.]bg ..
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