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Well hi there! Grab a cold one out of the fridge and sit a spell! My name is Amelia but my friends and family call me Millie. I was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee so yeah, that makes me kinda country-fied. I prefer to call it "Classically Southern." I've got an older sister and 2 nieces that I dearly love. I've got a crazy boyfriend named Jim who rocks my world! He challenges me almost every day to go that one step further. Without him, I don't know where I'd be or even *if* I'd be. I love all animals. Well, almost all of them. I don't like spiders. I don't "hate" them, I just don't "like" them. Show me a puppy or a kitten and I just melt. My favorite food is Mexican food but good ol' Southern Cookin' is a very close second. I love to laugh and make other people laugh. Laughter is a wonderful stress reducer. So is sex. But I seem to laugh more than I have sex. Just don't do the 2 together - some folks don't like that. I enjoy scary movies alot. I love going to Haunted Houses at Halloween but I haven't been to one in a few years. I have had Crohn's Disease since I was 10 years old. Because the disease got so bad, I had to have an Ileostomy done when I was 21. Yes, that means I poop in a bag. I do everything else the same way you do. It has made my life so much better and given me a life that I can appreciate and enjoy - free of pain. Don't feel sorry for me 'cuz I sure don't! I know when someone asks "Who farted?", I can honestly and confidently look them in the eye and say "It wasn't me."