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About Me

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"If the world was filled with spiders, darkness, and scary beings mirroring a nightmare...Justin would be living in a dream come true. Maybe its because the optimism he so handsomely sports needs to be balanced by the often times dark and chill-provoking images in his artwork. Or perhaps he is simply playing on the fears we all deal with as human beings and creatively turning them into something more beautiful to admire and contemplate. Justin is one of those people who you want to spend hours sitting next to as he sketches in his little black book, with his teeny tiny thin tip black pens, just to see how he does it. A perfect day for Justin would be situated somewhere in Europe, creating mysterious and thought-inducing works of art, while taking breaks in between to make music in his studio...with a Skinny Puppy DVD still lodged in the player from the night before, and a good meal digesting is his stomach, you would find Justin smiling.
At first glance this tattooed, pierced, killer- styled guy with dashingly good looks could make anyone intimidated. Somehow with Justin's open-minded, easy going nature this isn't the case. He's one of those people who just seems inviting in a very intriguing way. With him, you'll never hear things like, " Sorry, there is no way we can do that." or, " No, lets do it this way." His raw talent and unfathomable passion for the arts alongside his client-pleasing mentality leaves any project he is working on to surpass what his client will have expected. His adventurous attitude toward his work (whatever medium) compliments his growth in mass. You'll never see one project of his not up to par with the fact, it's more than likely to be ten times better. It's fascinating to witness a genius as work...however, if said to Justin his reply would be something like, " Ah shhhhhh!, nonono." followed by a coy, "thank you." Humble in nature, inquisitive in soul, unique and often times spell-binding in talent Justin is one of those rare breeds; who are untarnished by their gifts and a compliment to this world.
- Amanda Zelina

{ musician } LINK
"The art of Justin Erickson gives the viewer a glimpse into another reality, an industrial dream world where a beautiful decay is ever present, and nightmares lurk in the shadows.
- Meghan X

I'm the graphic designer for Rue Morgue Magazine, the best horror magazine out there. I'm biased, so what? When time permits I work on my personal artwork and do freelance illustration and graphic design. I'm always looking for cool people to work with so if you have a project in mind, message me and we'll work something out.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone who's creative, and will inspire me to create. Interesting fashion sense is always a plus. As are mutual interests such as body modification, industrial music, and horror movies.

My Blog


Greetings boils and ghouls! ....'Tis the season to be spooky, and in celebration I'm doing daily halloween kid illustrations! To check them out head over to my website!www.justin-erickson.comUpdated ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 07:35:00 GMT

A Monster a Day... {daily monster drawings}

A Monster a Day...PREMISE: Every day until Halloween, I will draw a different monster, and post it here for all to see and enjoy. Want to suggest a monster for me to draw? Message me and I'll draw it!...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 23:35:00 GMT

The Taste of Failure

Newest song in development. I've been working on some music and I'll see about putting some online soon. THE TASTE OF FAILURE I want this to shrivel up Wither, die and welt Hopeless love devel...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 09:08:00 GMT

05. Her taste

I wonder her taste So sweet to these dirty lips Such a pretty little pink case Face, breasts, legs and hips Tastes like sin Like a flood rushing in Bite, choke, push, bleed Tastes like it hur...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 21:17:00 GMT

04. Machination & The Flesh

Another of my songs written on the bus, and finished at home. The name is weird, yes. I was stuck for a name and it came to mind. MACHINATION & THE FLESH November 25. 2005I cut my eye To kill ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 08:59:00 GMT

03. A Hushed Confession

Here's another song, named A Hushed Confession. It's more structured than the last two, and I'm not sure if I think it's helping or hindering it. The name is a working title and will more than likely ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 22:03:00 GMT

02. Picture of Me

Here's another song I wrote today on the ridiculous commute to and from work. It's called PICTURE OF ME. Cutting it down to this To a size that fits A picture of me So torn so far from what it should...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:28:00 GMT

BURIAL. A song in progress

I'm absolutely terrible at writing lyrics, yet I keep doing it anyways. I'll make this an actual song one day under my 'The Perfect Devil' solo project. It's one of my more personal songs. BURIAL. N...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 20:04:00 GMT