Voodoo Girl.
Her skin is white cloth,
And she's all sewn apart
And she has many colored pins
Sticking out of her heart.
She has a beautiful set
Of hypno-disk eyes,
The ones that she uses
To hypnotize guys.
She has many different zombies
Who are deeply in her trance
She even has a zombie
Who was originally from France
But she knows she has a curse on her,
A curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
Too close to her,
The pins stick farther in.
Sometimes I try to do things and it just doesn't work out the way I wanted to.I get real frustrated and I try hard to do it and I take my time and it doesn't work out the way I wanted to.
It's like I concentrate real hard and it doesn't work out Everything I do and everything I try never turns out
James!! I fell off the bed and you pooped on my heart james.you pooped on my heart! WHATS UP WITH THAT JAMES WHATS UP WITH THAT???
Stop Making that sound it is so annoying...Im gonna find a sound that annoyes you....Something like the sound of rocks hitting your face!!
Well...like if your sad you could smell it...and you will feel better. XD Jamie dont think that way!!! i came from wood shop not Dick sucking class!!
So did you know...to make a mythical creature all u do is ad wings to it...Horse+wings=pegasis. Lion=wings=griffin. Hawk=wings=akward.Cuz it would have 4! haha wtf. ~tim
Umm if you wrap the fire blanket around you wont it like push the fire inside of you? ,Me= Hola korasin! Korie= hi. i have doritos teddy grams and orange juice for breakfest!!! Me=cool...korie=But i HATE orange juice.Me=umm why??
Beacuse it opeaned in my purse and RUINED MY LIFE!!!
I should not be eating these i am gonna buy emo pants!! NO!!! i dont fuck that pillow u slept on, i fuck the other ones. SHIT!! my music fell!!
Would you please stop being alive so i can just eat you already? The Fork!!Its an immortal fork.You want to meet him?? OhSo you DO want your clothes taken off? paaagggeee breakkk!! paaagggee breakkk! rigght there!!
This is a school not some playground!!!
New Foundland is so retarded i mean come on it was nammed after a cookie....Oh Reallly? you mean the cookie was actually named after new foundland?