people who can take a joke and i can enjoy being around them...........
Squish - one of the most amazing people i have met my whole life, we've had the most random times together and i guess it'll carry on with all the wild parties, this 1 guy i can now not live without!!!!!
Lauren - She's been one of the most amazing friends i've been glad to meet so far, she's heard my problems out and talked me through a set of things and we've come out on top of the world!!!! great friend =]
Lucie - Randomness cannot describe enough what she is like!!!, just like me she is hyperactive, always talking about the most random of things that are actually intresting when you think hard enough, and she's jus way too hyper!!! the many random things we have done this year will be a great memory as no one can argue with me or her about DING!!!! DONG!!!!!! DOINK!!!!! DANG!!!!! MILK!!!! COOKIE!!! XD
Dave - when i 1st met him we just simply talked about nothing, then we got to know each other better and really got to know each other as a friend, we both like the same music, same taste, same mentality, and best of all...he's a fucking awesome guitarist like me!!!! Thrash!!!!!! XD
George - this guy s always making me laugh about the most stupidest of things and for tht i love him to bits, him and dave i consider my brothers in arms =]
Beth - she means a lot to me and i can talk to her about anything! i'll be there for her when she needs me i can say tht much, and i'm sure she'll help me out when my heads a mess =]