I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4*
I care for my friends
I love my parents to deathI am recovering. I have plans. Don't give me thinspo, i don't want to go back. i weigh 110 lbs. and will go up because my body still nneeds to balance itself. but for now, i will workout and eat healthy food. i will try my best to become a fit and healthy person. Live a Healthy, Active and normal lifestyle. I want to be normal again. i will lose eventually the weight. but i won't ever be 85 lbs again. over the summer i went down to 85 with laxatives. i became an addict, then after 6 months of nonstop doses of them i stopped while going to a church retreat. somehow i forgot to go to the pharmacy to buy my usual 50 then i somehow lost the last 3 i had in my pocket. so i had to spend 4 days without them. and instead of being in the bathroom i was with friends. and i also ended my purging cylce back in august. my bowle movements have been normal after 6 days of constipation last week. and i've ate. i still have a chewing and spitting problem, but i hope to end it tomorrow 11/10/07.and believe it or not, i think guys like me better like this. really. but....then again i still do feel a bit uncomfortable sometimes. but...i know it will take time for me to fully recover. but for now, all i can do is be healthy.after 5 years of having this Eating Disorder -EDNOS, i have decided to end it. not fully, because i know i will never fully recover. i wil always have that scar from when it all started, but at least, i won't be like i was before. i have grown. my weight is diferent. i must accept it.lets say taht i like this boy, i don't want to have an Ed while dating. i have parents and family and friends. i don't want them to suffer anymore, and i've been happier lately. i want to be like this everyday.my mom and me haven't argued about my ED since 2 weeks ago. i'm so happy.well i thiks thats more than enough said. bye for now. if any recovering people are out there, please do add me!!!Thank you and have a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/evening*******************************