bikes, antiques, naps, expensive sheets, tubs, orchids, cigars sometimes, poetry,talking birds, orchestra, music, musicians
my inner child.
This month: jose gonzalez Tori Amos Dvorak
it's all about the soundtrack for me. french films generally do a good job in that department..ex. amelie, girl on a bridge, delicatessen, all the mornings of the world.... holy shit, SWEET LAND FUCKING RULES
i like vintage televisions, especially ones with the green screens and bakelite knobs. i saw one converted into a planter once, what a great idea. I've also seen them turned into suggestion boxes, another great idea. I'm not interested in watching them though....
john berger, billy collins, maura o'connor, what i'm trying to say here is that i like essays on art and poetry.
a lot of poets, musicians, artists, my mother, philip glass.