Ruby Tuesday profile picture

Ruby Tuesday

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Where do I begin.... I can't possibly tell you all about me in this short space. I would have to write an epic novel. I'm all about details and emotion and weirdness. I am a mother of one very awesome little boy named Phoenix. He is 2 years old and has the best personality. My favorite words are intrepid, macabre, and yop. I love to talk about the mysteries of the universe, and aliens and robots. I'm obnoxious, weird, fun, loud, open minded, political, dark and mysterious,creative.... I like sunsets and sun rises. and I'm in love with the ocean. I'm going to be a cosmotologist in aboot 4 months. I like walking around the house naked. I love traveling and exploring the concrete jungles of this world we live in and the unseen territories as well. I like meeting new people. I'm definatley a people person. I'm good at getting people to open up as well as creating awkward situations. I question everything. I speak my mind which can be absolutely wonderful and also get me in a lot of trouble at the same time. I like to be challenged. I'm definatley a romantic. I like being kissed passionately. I like writing poetry. I like listening to other peoples poetry and stories. I like to educate myself on different theories and ideas..... expanding my mind, having spazmatic thoughts as well as simple ones. I wear my heart on my sleeve.... even when it gets messy and I havn't showered in a couple of days.

My Interests

CURRENT MOON lunar phases I love to write.I love watching movies... all types, mainly documentories about of all types!!!! I am de-programing myself and re-educating myself about myself and the world around me. Toltec theory...learning...laughing...enjoying life and being open to new possibilities... exploring the collapsing side of space, more learning,hiking and go spulunking. Swimming in the ocean is awesome. Making love outdoors, indoors, in weird positions,while covered in soap...etc. is fun,I love to act obnoxious and disgusting. I like defacing government property, only when i know it might educate people. I like making out with hot girls. I like studded tires, road trips, getting dirty, hot baths with lavender and sandlewood oil, singing and skipping, moving my body with specific thoughts and feelings that i might be feeling at certaint times, getting lost,butterfly kisses,cat naps,the ways of the universe, the infinate possibilities, botony,cosmotology, aromatherapy,bondage, massages, kisses in the rain,getting spanked, dancing in my living room with my son, traveling, reading books, falling in love, flying in my dreams,creating the impossible, looking at things from different angles, being myself, as well as expeirimenting with different parts of my personality.........

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a diverse group of people. Have you ever just observed the way people are? Humans are strange, and the comlexities that go into what we are made out of seem very curious. It might even be possible that our DNA has been genetically altered with Alien DNA, to which would explain the behaviors and functions that we have... I think that our government has quite a bit to do with this as well. I would like to meet more people who question everything and are open to step into the unknown rather than playing it safe. So go ahead and indulge me with all your theories and ideas of this universe we live in.....


I love music and going to shows. I listen to all types of music, but love old school punk like black flag,The subhumans, the ramones, crass. Irish music, especially Nancy Conescu and Norman Kennedy puts a smile on my face. I love saltry female singers like mazzy star and portise head, Ani and especially Billie Holiday amd Marilyn Monroe. I'm inspired by Paul Simons music. I have a thing for drummers... and I'm a sucker for guitar players I'm one of those girls you see driving down the freeway singing their hearts out and shaking their head.


I am movie whore!!! I couldn't possibly list all the movies I like.I have over 1,000 movies. Here are just a few... tank girl, clockwork orange,all the Wess Anderson films, especially bottle rocket,all the kevin smith movies, mad love, sean of the dead,haggard, all the harry potter movies, I heart huckabies,office space,50 firstdates,dead alive, old boy, big fish, v for vendeta, gardenstate,kungfoo hustle ,kill bill,Zeitgeist, the destruction of Atlantis, Remembering the end of the world.... the list could go on and on and on!


Blahggggg.. how boot some underground networking eh?


Mastery of awareness,the anarchists cookbook, 1984,calvin and hobbes, prozac nation, bitch,go ask alice, sybill, all the harry potter books, spiritual midwifery, The physics of imortality, seeing voices,on man in the universe, the etymology dictionary, the thesaurus, tank girl comics,brothers grimm, dr.suess


anyone who follows their heart

My Blog

a dream

I dreamt of high waters and your hands holding onto a rope on the edge of our boat. I was holding on to a magic silver fish. We spoke in telepathy, with smiles and imaginative query. Courage in our ey...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 05:48:00 PST

self discovery

I have come to the realization that my love is defected! What does this mean? That there is something wrong with my love... my ability to love or to show my love. The one's that I choose to love. Do ...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 05:46:00 PST

a poem for Hilda

You were a poet and left a piece of yourself behind in your writing The knowledge you carried within resides on the shelves With the pages that were cared for Like a thought being entertained by the ...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 07:11:00 PST

my love

tears and laughter smiles and whimpers how many times can the heart be broken? Does it ever fully heal the first time? grief and happiness What could I have done differently? and I still remember putt...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 08:55:00 PST

my fear of being alone.. why?

The truth be told... I am scared to be alone for too long of a period of time. I like to be around people. I like talking with people, communicating, exchanging ideas. dancing with each others minds....
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 07:05:00 PST

the phantom in the water... a poem

THE PHANTOM IN THE WATER I see the water before me. It calls out to me. I feel an urge to taste this powerful element. I dive into the beautiful alluring pool of water. My body tingles as if it were ...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 02:36:00 PST

some days are angry days

Fuck... shit....... you fuckn fuck...asshole... stupid dumbshit cocksucker!!! Somedays I feel accumulated amounts of rage that needs to come out... All I see is red..... clenched fists... gritted teet...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:55:00 PST

liquid color revolving love

My heart is liquid color revolving love. Surges flicker into my fingertips. My body feels as if it's transforming into something different, something I've never felt before. I feel almost dizzy... I l...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:57:00 PST

On Piercing my nipples

I rest my arms above my head and grasp the metal bar on the back of the vinyl chair. I feel relaxed, almost sedated... with a hint of adrenalin pulsating through my body. A bead of sweat travels down ...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:26:00 PST

pieced together

my hand holds a history of neverending stories with systematic detail and vivid dispalys of interaction... and retraction. Patterns of my brain retrace the the memories of my past expierences... past ...
Posted by Ruby Tuesday on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 05:16:00 PST