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I am here for Friends

About Me

I love chocolate... Chocolate and Coffee can get me through any bad day. I love to sing in my car with the windows down and my brown hair blowing. I think its fun to say hello with a wink and a smile. I enjoy finding the simple pleasures in life, such as being in a rocking chair on the front porch and listening to the wind chimes play a sweet melody; and how walking through rain puddles with my kids brings out the kid in me. I love spending time with my children and taking long walks while conversing with God. I play with my hair when I read. I'm a Daddy's girl and a church girl. I choose my battles wisely but am a fighter when I'm mad. And yes, every now and then I'm a little moody. Sunflowers are sunshine to me. I'm a friend in the middle of the night for someone who's in need. I'm a giver. I believe in telling people everyday that you love them and showing that love just as Jesus would. I believe in living life to it's fullest, laughing until it hurts, and loving with my whole heart and soul. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

My interest range as much as my variety of music... spending time with my children, going to movies, horse back riding, playing tennis (with Chris Evert -lol), traveling all over, art in all it's forms and wonders, getting carried off in some book, listening to the symphony, writing, photography, cooking, absorbing all the history my brain cells will allow. :)

I'd like to meet:

Ernest Hemmingway, spending time with him on a beach or sailing off the shores; I'd like to have met George Washington as he floated under the Natural Bridge - not making any command decisions in that moment but purely taking in God's wonders as he wrote his name in passing on the stone; and I would've enjoyed living in a town with Norman Rockwell but those people have come and gone... currently I think I'd like to meet Rachael Ray, Joyce Meyer, and anyone else that inspires others, offers hope, and sees the humor in life.


I enjoy a variety of music and usually play what fits my mood at that point in time... some days you'll find me listening to the sweet sounds of Jazz with Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, and my personal friend Jamiee Paul; other days you may find me singing in the rain to Frank Sinatra (by the way, he's not the singer of "singing in the rain"); still other days you may find me line dancing my way around to some Martina McBride, Brad Paisley, and all things country; and yet other moods might turn me to Kelly Clarkson, Celin Dion, Avalon, Point of Grace, or purely nothing more than Praise and Worship. I'm not a fan of rap HOWEVER I must admit that Veggie Tales has an awesome rap song that is great fun! lol


Anything with Audrey Hepburn (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Face, My Fair Lady, Roman Holiday, Sabrina, etc.), The Man from Snowy River and Return to Snowy River, Hidaglo, Sleepless in Seattle, National Treasure, Pride and Prejudice, Raising Helen, Ever After, Becoming Jane, Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, Serendipity, Something to Talk About, The Bourne Series, The Ocean Series, Bridget Jones, The Wedding Date, Finding Nemo


Grey's Anatomy, Eli Stone, Samantha Who, Divine Design, Deserving Design, Extreme Home Makeover, News, and anything having to do with history, travel, or cooking.


Captivating, The Sacred Romance, The Journey of Desire, Blue Like Jazz, anything by Stormie O'Martin, Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Jane Austen and Ernest Hemmingway; poetry by William Blake, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and even Benjamin Franklin


I believe that we all have a little bit of hero in each of us no matter how little or great it may be. However people that inspire me would have to consist of Margaret Brent, the first woman that requested to vote, she was declinded but did not give up; Clara Barton for creating the Red Cross; President Ronald Reagan for his ability to be a great leader and still stand for what he believes in; Anna Etheridge, in her quest to save thousands of soilders earning herself the Kearney Medal; Beethoven, who inspite of his deafness became the worlds greatest composer; and of course Jesus Christ himself, as He truly lived a life of love and sacrifice... there are many great people that can inspire us, becoming our heros, if we only open our minds and take in all that is around us.

My Blog

Celebrity Sightings

Nestled on the corner of Five Points, Downtown Historic Franklin, you'll find a quaint little walk in coffee shop that one today would refer to as Starbucks. It was a bright sunny morning, approximat...
Posted by Penny on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:47:00 PST

Ooga Booga

If you've never seen the movie "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, allow me to share the opening act with you... The movie begins with four 12 year old girls, sneaking out of their house in t...
Posted by Penny on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:55:00 PST

Free Entertainment

I love my life! Seriously, I live in a world where I'm certainly entertained& if not by others, than by my children, and if not by my children than I can pretty much entertain myself. For example, th...
Posted by Penny on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:12:00 PST

Adversity = Opportunity

I have been co-teaching a class at church called Chase the Lion. In my studies last week I learned that without adversities, there are no opportunities. No adversity = no opportunity. Equating to the ...
Posted by Penny on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:41:00 PST

In the Waiting

"In the Waiting" ~FFH I’ve seen the Red Sea part, I’ve seen the mountains move, But now it seems so dark I can’t even feel you. If you choose to be silent, then I’ll be silent ...
Posted by Penny on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:52:00 PST

Obedient Children

Don’t you love it when you ask one of your children to do something and he or she actually does it? If your children are anything like mine, they have days when they just can’t bring them...
Posted by Penny on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:02:00 PST

How long Lord

So today I sit here calling out to God as Habakkuk did saying, "How long Lord must I call for help but you do not listen?" Over the years I have found myself, at times, not praying as I should which ...
Posted by Penny on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:00:00 PST

My Happy Place

As I sat down to begin my devotions this morning I prayed that God would give me a word from Him. I needed to hear something directly from Him this morning just for me. I found myself turning to the b...
Posted by Penny on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:35:00 PST

Elijah and the Cross

Today I had the privilege of hanging with Elijah, just he and I. Sissy had gone to a friends house for the night so last night we stayed up late playing games, watching movies, and ultimately, sleepin...
Posted by Penny on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:11:00 PST

The Man in the Moon

Last night, as I was driving home, I found myself in awe of the moon. There it was, in all its glory, beaming brightly for all to see. This huge mass of rock, reflecting the suns light down to earth, ...
Posted by Penny on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 11:36:00 PST