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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Peace...Congratulations to my MAN MY MAN Tim and his wife, Rahdiah, I just got word that IT'S a BOY!!! Another proud Black Man is on his way!With that...Peace. C

My Interests

I love good music. Jump in my car or get ahold of my iPod and you're gonna hear some good tunes. I try to keep up with all the latest of everything, but it's a big world and something changes on the daily. I've been doing a lot of club promotions lately with the radio station, so if you have some good ideas for what we can do to attract more people to our parties, holla at me

I'd like to meet:

Lavish Friday's and Thirty Plus Saturdays at the D&I Event Center 2341 Raleigh Road in Rocky CityView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Let's see...I'm addicted to The Justus League. They're the hottest crew of musicians to ever come out of North Carolina. Also, Neo Soul, Hip Hop ( I said HIP HOP not that laffy Taffy crap), R&B is aight, and I am constantly boomin' house music (helps me think), and Cold Play! YES! Those cats are incredible. DWELE!!! That's my dude! I was at a Dwele concert in September and that dude DWELE was on the dancefloor right next to me. Okay, I lost it. Pointed at the guy and started yelling out loud, "THAT"S DWELE! THAT'S DWELE" Then I grabbed him by the shoulders... Yeah, I know. I got a little wierd with that.


This is corny, but my favorite movie of all time is "Under the Cherry Moon!" I love that flick. I do have a new favorite though..."She HATE ME!" It's a Spike Lee joint that came out last year. Phenomenal. I'm also a Sci Fi head and have been doing a lot of writing lately in effort to tell some of my own twisted stories. Oh yeah, I ain't mad if you bring a foreign film through either!


Don't do too much TV, but if Girlfriends is on the air, I have to watch it cause they are so fine. I'm a cable, but I have some rabbit ears!


Favorites: Atlas Shrugged/Ayn Rand Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Colombus/ Orson Scott Card Job, and Time Enough For Love... oh, and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress , and Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein Roots Autobiography of Malcolm X by the great one Alex Hailey The Temple of My Familiar Alice Walker More later


Charles O and Maxine... My Parents. They did the impossible.

My Blog


WARNING!!!! You will grow up at some point in time... but do it in a way that you can still be a kid whenever you want to. I realized (again) this weekend that I am, and all my close friends are, gro...
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:34:00 PST

I got a Car, I'm outta debt, and I'm about to get married.

I am a strong believer in manifest destiny. my version of manifest destiny is the one where you tell yourself over and over again that you are whatever you wish to be so many times that you sculpt you...
Posted by Chuck on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:23:00 PST

September 11

Sepember 11th I was about to write a piece here about September 11th and I just realized that I'm afraid to. I'd gotten about half way when I remembered what happenend to me several months after ...
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:03:00 PST

Seven Years of Bad Luck

It's the middle of the day (and if you're one of my employees reading my blog, you are NOT allowed to do what I'm currently doing....Get your ass back to work) I am really pissed off though because of...
Posted by Chuck on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:38:00 PST

Child Suport Bills

Okay, so right now the radio station is paying peole's child support bills as a Father's Day promotion. Good idea right? WRONG... We're not getting telephone calls to qualify when we ask for dudes to ...
Posted by Chuck on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:38:00 PST

I love being sweated

So, today, I realized right... I love Being sweated. That's it. Period.
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 03:04:00 PST