It has been brought to our attention that alot of fakes are floating around and making people believe that they're us which is NOT true. We only have one official page. This one, and our personal ones.
We don't have as much time as we used to, to answer questions. We will continue to answer the messages that we get in our inbox if we get around to answering them, so please don't think we're ignoring you.
-Brooke & Alma
Teen stars Brooke & Alma are singers & songwriters.Brooke was born in Michigan, and is now living with her family in Nashville, Tennessee. She began singing on stage at the age of 6.Alma was born is California, and is now living with her family in Nashville, Tennessee. She also began singing on stage at the age of 6.They have also performed live for Radio Disney! We also recieve extensive vocal training.Email Us:[email protected] out our Street Made For
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