“Carlsberg†e edna ot vodeshtite v sveta kompanii, proizvoditeli na bira. Kompaniqta proizvejda 9 miliarda litra bira godishno, ravno na okolo 66 miliona butilki ot po 330 ml na den. “Carlsberg†prodava bira v nad 150 strani po sveta i v neq rabotqt blizo 30 000 slujiteli. Te sa chast ot 90 otdelni lokacii v 45 dyrjavi.
Predi poveche ot 150 godini liulka na birenata civilizaciq v Bylgariq stava Shumen. Nachaloto e postaveno ot ungarskite emigranti. I syvsem logichno pyrvata birena fabrika e postroena v Shumen prez dalechnata 1882 ot sedem predpriemchivi shumenski tyrgovci i cheshkiqt maistor-pivovar Franz Milde. Maistoryt pristiga v grada prez septemvri 1882 i samo mesec po-kysno - na 26 oktomvri, osnovava "Bylgarsko pivovarno drujestvo". Celta mu e varene i prodajba na pivo na edro i drebno. Prez celiq period na zarajdane na bylgarskata pivovarna promishlenost, "Shumensko pivo" igrae liderska rolq i opredelq tendenciite v razvitieto na pivovarstvoto v Bylgariq. Prez pyrvite 7 godini ot svoeto syshtestvuvane “Shumensko†pecheli sedem zlatni otlichiq za kachestvo.
Prez 2002 g., datskata pivovarna grupa Carlsberg Brewery pridobi ot Feroal, Turciq, 59,4% ot akciite na pivovarnata. Prez sledvashtata godina datchanite uvelichiha dela si v Shumensko pivo AD s 29,6%, do 89% ot kapitala na drujestvoto.Osven shumenskata pivovarna, portfolioto na Carlsberg vkluchva i 98% ot Pirinsko pivo. Bylgarskata pivovarna, razpolojena v Shumen, dyrji blizo 8% ot vytreshniq pazar, chiito obsht obem se ocenqva na 4,5 mln.hektolitra.Shumensko pivo i Pirinsko pivo sa purvite proizvoditeli, koito reciklirat opakovkite i sa edinstvenite proizvoditeli na bira u nas, syosnovateli na bylgarskata kompaniq, licenzirana za opolzotvorqvane na otpadycite ot opakovki – “EkoPak Bulgariaâ€. Dvete pivovarni drujestva, koito sa v proces na obedinenie v edinna struktura, sa sred purvite bulgarski proizvoditeli, proqvili socialna angajiranostza syzdavane i uchastie w podobna organizaciq. “Shumensko pivo†AD i “Pirinsko pivo†AD sa chast ot “EkoPak Bylgariia", v koqto akcioneren dql imat obshto 18 vodeshti bylgarski i chujdestranni firmi. Edinstvenite predstaviteli na pivovarnata promishlenost sa chast ot devetchlenen Bord na direktorite na organizaciqta, chiqto cel e syzdavane na efektivna i ustoichiva sistema za sybirane, reciklirane i opolzotvorqvane na otpadycite ot opakovki ot domakinstvata, tyrgovskite obekti i promishlenostta. Dylgosrochnata cel na tqhnoto nachinanie e da osiguri visoko nivo na zashtita na okolnata sreda i polza za grajdanite na Bulgariq . Chlenovete na “EkoPak Bylgariq†zakupuvat pravoto da postavqt vyrhu etiketite na svoite produkti "zelena tochka", koqto dokazva, che se polagat griji za ekologichnoto prerabotvane na syotvetnata opakovka. Ministerstvoto na okolnata sreda i vodite licenzira tozi vid dejnost do kraia na 2008 g.
Na 16.08.2001 Shmensko stava purvatavata bulgarska bira probila na amerikanskiq pazar s Shumensko Specialno ot 0,5l - na poloin mesec po edin konteiner s 20 000 biri startovo, kato v posledstvie prodajbata se uveli4ava.
A za purvi put probiva o6te prez 1988 v Kalifornia.
Shumensko e purvata chervena bira v Bulgariq, kakto i purvata s vurtqshta se kapachka.
Shumensko ( or Shumensko pivo ) is a Bulgarian beer company based in Shumen. Since 2002, it has been owned by Carlsberg.
Carlsberg is one of the most successful beer companies in the world. The company produces 9 milliards liters beer per year, equals to about 66 millions bottles by 330 ml per day. Carlsberg sells beer in more than 150 countries in the world and it gives work for nearly 30 000 workers. They are part of 90 individual locations in 45 countries.
Over 150 years ago, the cradle of the beer civilization in Bulgaria becomes Shumen. The beginning has been set by Hungarian emigrants. And therefore, the first beer factory was built in Shumen in 1882 by seven enterprising Shumen’s merchants and the Czech brewer master Franz Milde. He arrived in the town in September 1882 and only a month later – on 26th October, he founded the “Bulgarian Brewing Associationâ€. Its purposes were production of brew on wholesale and retail sale. Through the whole period of the formation of the Bulgarian brew industry, Shumensko Pivo plays a major and leading part of the brewing in the country. Through the first seven years of its existence, Shumensko wins seven golden medals for quality.
In 2002 the Danish brewing group Carlsberg Brewery took from Feroal, Turkey, 59, 4% from the stocks of the brewery. Through the next year the Danishes increased their share in Shumensko Pivo AD with 29,6% to 89% from the capital of the association. Except from the Shumen brewery, the Carlsberg includes 98% from Pirinsko Pivo. The Bulgarian brewery, located in Shumen, owns nearly 8% of the home market, whose total bulk has been valued at 4, 5 millions hectoliters.
Carlsberg Bulgaria is the third largest and the fastest growing beer company in the country with a 22% market share. It is an excellent example of how international standards, local traditions and a 125-year heritage can combine to provide first class products. Carlsberg Bulgaria is also one of the leading investors in the country, contributing to the local and national economy and setting high standards for the brewing industry and the environment.