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Love Intoxication

Im Reaching High

About Me

Watch our Love Grow

My name is Gregg for those of you that dont know me. I guess I should describe myslef alittle. I am the type of person that will always listen to what people have to say and I am always willing to help others when asked. Sometimes ppl describe me as too nice, but i have changed in alot of dont take advantage of my kindness. Friendships can rock as long as you are careful who you are dealing with. Im a shy guy at first but once you open up to me I will always be willing to open up to you. I love meeting new ppl so if u are a nice person with an interesting personality feel free to message me.

My Interests

My interests include being with people that I love and that rare alone time. Also all my friends that make life fun. I also love to travel and want to visit everywhere in the world. Israel is an amazing place and I plan on going back as soon as possible. I love to learn about new people and am always willing for a new friendship. I like to shop and to relax at the beach. I love music and surround myself with music at all times. I also love to go to the movies. That alone time i was speaking of refers to reading a book, or drawing alone and just thinking and getting to know myself. that time can be evry important.a class="popup_wrapper" style="background-color:transparent!important;cursor:default ;left:-30px;top:0px;height:5446px;width:1102px;"class=popup_ x href="" da$d

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet anyone new and ineteresting. Someone that could open up to me and I can trust. Im way too trusting and open sometimes so if u plan to hurt me in any way please leave, I have had enough of that recently. Im always open to meeting nice people so if u r that, send me a message :)




Wille Wonka and the Choclate factory, Charlie and the Choclate Factory, E.T, The Sixth Sense, Saw 1 2 3, Hostel, The Notebook, Saved(fuckin awsome), The Ring, The Ring 2, Party Monster, Dumb and Dumber, Bruce Almighty, Contact(Jodie Foster RocKs), Ghost, Gia, Pretty Woman, Erin Brokovich, The Breakfast Club, Final Destination 1, 2 , and 3, High Tension, Basic Instict 1 and 2, What Dreams May Come, Igby Goes Down, Donnie Darko and alot more because im a movie FreaK


Family guy, Futurama, Law and Order, gilmore girls, other then that i dont watch tv anymore.......


The books I read include all Harry Potter Books and mostly all Stephen King's Books. Some of my favorite Stephen King's books include Insomnia, Pet Semetary, The Dark Half, Needful Things, The Talisman, The Black House, etc.

My Blog

Learning that accepting change is a step towards being happy

People pass through our lives like wind. sometimes when it slows down u can really feel the breeze pass u. other times it can be sooo strong it can knock you down. I have learned in this short existe...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:28:00 PST

New Year, showing love <3

Ok Heres a list of people that really had a huge affect on me this year. I really am speaking from the heart here. Alex Figarroa- When I met u I had no idea we would be as good friends as we are now. ...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:07:00 PST

My life is Together, time has changed me.

So this is where my life is at this point. Im going to be brutally honest here. Im not going to care about who reads it. Ok well I just started a new job. Its in the Super target at Starbucks. This is...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 02:26:00 PST

Take me away from this........

Its amazing how much life can change so abruptly. u can be so sure that this is how your life is and these are the people that acre about you. And all of it can ripped away without warning. Whos to sa...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:43:00 PST

Life thus far.......Im not dead yet :)

Wow, so much has happened since my last blog. I have gone through so much life experience in the past year. I started out going to an amazing college and happy with my amazing boyfriend. As time progr...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 07:53:00 PST

I am moving on

I finally decided that I can be happy. I dont need drama and I dont need stress. And Ive finally discovered that being without my x causes me to not be dramatic and pretty much stress free. Despite al...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Thu, 03 May 2007 02:59:00 PST

Life and Love

?Love is hard, but its worth every second. the laughs, the tears, the smiles, the fights. when u really think about it, all the good and bad times are worth it. I wouldnt trade any of the time i had w...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:52:00 PST

I thought we would last forever

After ten months my heart is now broken. I have taken for granted one of the best relationships I have ever had, and now its over. I dont blame myself nor Patrick, but im sure we both could have done ...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:31:00 PST

RIP Daniel

Today I attended a service for Daniel, who was severly injured by a suicide bomber and later died from those injuries. The service was nice and a comfort but at the same time was upsetting with all th...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Mon, 15 May 2006 10:16:00 PST

happy endings and happy beginings

Ok as the school year is almost to an end i am confronted with new difficulties but new possibilities as well. My future graduation suffered an immense blow and although graduation for me wi...
Posted by Love Intoxication on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:52:00 PST