Blowing bubbles. Music. Painting geometric shapes. Penguins. My dog. Therapy. Decoupage. Books. Independent films. Sleeping with a fan. Running around necked. Thrift stores.
My Knight in shining armor. Bono. Stephen King. Roald Dahl. Napoleon Bonaparte. King Henry VIII.
U2. Pink Floyd. Warren Zevon. Jackson Browne. The Elms. Carbon Leaf. Bob Dylan. Neil Young. The Cranberries. Iron & Wine. Queen. To name a few....
Amelie. Almost Famous. Pulp Fiction. Dead Poet's Society. Little Miss Sunshine. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Magnolia. Reality Bites. Scent of a Woman. Royal Tenenbaums. And many more....
Home Movies. Anime. Miami Ink.
I'm a bookwhore. Stephen King. Saul Bellow. Graham Greene. F Scott Fitzgerald. Leo Tolstoy. Fyodor Dostoevsky. Roald Dahl. Thomas Hardy. Flanery O'Conner. John Steinbeck. GK Chesterton. Kurt Vonnegut. The list goes on....