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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor . Well, don't know where to start. German girl, with 18 years moved for a few month to Spain because I like to change air sometimes and to emerge in different cultures and learn different languages. I returned to study at the FH Geisenheim, Rheingau, Viticulture and Oenology (heaps of foreign languages to learn there: Pfaelzerisch, Schwaebisch, Kroever Platt, Moselaner Kauderwelsch...etc.), in 2001 I transfered to Italy to finish my studies over there and starting as assistant winemaker in a bigger winery in Friuli. Afterwards
I worked as a chief winemaker, always in Italy, close to Siena for 4 years and now I decided to see something new. I am living in Thailand, actually close Bangkok, in research for the zen in art of winemaking (kidding). I am chief winemaker of a Thai winery which is in constant growth, it is going to be interesting. TROPICAL VITICULTURE, BABY! I did 2 harvests as a vintage winemaker in New Zealand and fell in love with this beautiful country. Besides I found with my brother a company called "Puffsbrause" ( which produces a wine-based fruity and sparkly beverage with a lot of "chill" effect. We produce mainly for restaurants, discos and chill-out bars and people with taste and style. Well, that is the business part.
Privatly I am constantly in movement and don't like to become lazy or stagnant. I love spontaneous actions, innovation and flexibility. Would probably die without sports (marathons, eco-marathons, ultra-marathons, kajak, climbing, riding) and music (I played guitar in the group "Domino" ( doing mainly cover songs and in the group "N-Iceland" writing our owns songs). Now I hope to build up a band in Bangkok, so if you read this and maybe live in Bangkok, contact me if you need a guitar player. I possibly have as well a drummer if missing. Here you go...P.S. Check out: and
P.P.S. Watch out 18.08 in Reykjavik, Iceland for Nr. 181 whilst the Glitnir Marathon.
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