KANkiNA (fiREhORSE iN hURRY) from INDiGO NEtWORK profile picture


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The most important thing, that you should know about me: I am crazy, for sure!!!Ever heard of INDIGO kids, or THE NEW KIDS? I am one of it, although I am already born 1969. I was a pioneer...Since the 1980s a lot of kids were born with an indigo coloured aura. These kids are very special! Not often they have problems in school and with their parents, because they are such great rebells!!! They have come to earth in order to help to change this world in a great place of Love, Peace, Freedom and Harmony!Here is in short form, my life story:As I was a child, my favourite movie was Winnetou, my favourite play was beeing an indian or playing with the playmobil indians, I painted many pictures with indian livestyle.I was so sad, that I had blond, and not black hair....later as a teenager, when I saw a boy with long hair and an indian nose, I fell in love immediately. Later I was hanging around for years with alternative late hippies. And when they were sitting around, all long haired, smoking pot (remembered at smoking the peace pipe :-) ), I felt to be at home, and that although I hated drugs (and that was good so, that I never took them, because as you can read later one, I am, how can I say...natural stoned...lol) .With 17 I went to Freemont, California as an exchange student, and I was very excited to be close to San Francisco and the past hippy movement! But than everything was different. I weared no make-up, didnt like to style up myself, was no big fan of sports. I had problems to find friends. For me it seemed everything soooo superficial. Then I found a friend, he was a punc rocker. My host family got creazy and they droped my out. So I had to leave after 4 months instead of 10 months.Back in Germany I quit eating in order to clear and clean myself. After three days not eating, I saw a big light and had wounderful visions. My family brought me in a mental hospital, and long years of suffering began.When my son, Merlin, was born with caesarean operation, they didn't give my food for two days. Again a got visions. One was, I am an indian soul, and I have blond hair, not black, because I am an very old soul, and old indians to have bright hair, too. The doctores called my disease bipolar (manic-depressive). My marriage with Merlins father broke, he couldn't handle my disease.2002 I met Johannes in the mental hospital, he got schizophrenic after consuming pot & cocaine. We came together, and 2004 our wounderful daughter, Lena Johanna Citlalli, was born.We both are retired in cause of our mental illness. And we enjoy it so much to be free of any working stress!!! So now we see our destination in beeing creative and spirituell, and having a good harmonic parntership and family.We live with my ex-husband, and my son in the same house, and we all enjoy this very much.We find a lot of power in believing in god as an love & light energy.I am sure, the only way to change the world in a better one, is to clear up youself, and to send out good vibrations, love, light, energy.Let's make our dream true, and make this world a place of harmony, love and understanding!Don't dream you life, live your dream!!!!

Free Hugs Campaign. (music by Sick Puppies.net album out)
Thomas Godoj - live - mit WINK, Song: Still

Das war THomas Godoj vor DSDS, das war er ja schon so genial!!!

Ton Steine Scherben - Land in Sicht

Für mich das geilste Seelenlied!!! Für alle, die verzweifelt sind!!! Hoffnung, Licht für die Welte!

Thomas D. - Millionen Legionen

Ich habe das Lied schon so oft gehört und bekomme immer noch Gänsehaut!!! Einfach NUR GEIL!!!!

Die Fantastischen Vier | Krieger

Yeah! Ja, Menschheit wach auf! Geil, geil, geil, geil!!!! Energie wir noch nie! Harmonie bringt die Kraft! Sein Traum wird wahr, er hat es geschafft! Erstetzt die Isolation , setzt an ihre Stelle, die Vision, das wir eins sind! auf einer Welle.......

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Now when I look back to my visions, I don't believe that they were just crazy hallucinations.I would like to get to know other people with special experiences, visions etc. in order to discuss about visions. My special dream would be to meet an real native american shamane or medicine man/woman!!! If anybody know one, please let me know!I would like to know Freedom fighters, Peace workers, drugfree freaks and hippies, people on any kind spiritual way!Everyone who is interested to make a network of love and harmony and dreamers witch stopped just dreaming and now are doing something to make it a better world.I would like to engage myself for the world by a project (like Matto Barfuss for example does or the baobab family project).Don't dream your life, live your dream!Right now I am planing to build a small spiritual centrum. Every day, mantra singing and other interessting groups. I am also planing to make a movie about so called crazy people, and how they see the world (maybe title: Nuts people are also only human beings). If there is anybody out there, interessted in my ideas & plans, please contact me: [email protected] priests, prophets, Freedom Fighter, Greater Spirits and Freaks are welcome!!!

My Blog


Liebe Freunde / Dear Friends ! Heute will ich euch ein bisschen was über meine Visionen erzählen. Today I will tell you a bit about my visions. Alles fing im Februar 1988 an, als ich eines Abends bei ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:23:00 GMT

Juhu! Wir habens fast geschaft! Jippih, we almost got it!

We are very happy, that we almost got completly moved to our new home! But still there is a lot to do! For about one week we are already sleeping and cooking there. It takes time to find a new place f...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:21:00 GMT

Vorläufige Satzung des Vereins Indigo Network

Nachdem ich erfahren habe, dass sich ein Verein auch erstmal ohne großen Kostenaufwand gründen lässt - nämlich indem man erstmal auf das e.V. verzichtet, bin ich nun dabei, es endlich geschehen zu las...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 07:42:00 GMT

angeblich veröffentliches Nacktfoto! Internetabzocke!

Warnung an alle, die noch immer von Spam genervt werden! ich habe vor einiger Zeit eine email bekommen, in etwa so: Hallo! Dein Nacktbild ist endlich veröffentlicht in der Community...und dann sollte ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:22:00 GMT

Verein Bipolare Selbsthilfegruppe Schweinfurt gegründet

Gestern abend hat die Bipolare Selbsthilfegruppe Schweinfurt nach dem Gruppentreffen einen Verein mit gleichem Namen gegründet. Allerdings kein eingetragener Verein. Aber immerhin. Ich habe die Ehre, ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:17:00 GMT

Ich war in der Klapse - na und?

Hallo! Da es immer noch so viel Vorurteile gegen Psychisch Kranke gibt, ist es dringend nötig mehr Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu machen und zu zeigen, dass "Ver-rückte auch nur Menschen sind"! Daher möcht...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 03:33:00 GMT


Hallo Leute, anbei ein paar Infos über Indigos. Quelle: www.michelka.de  Herr Michelka mach Indigo-Coaching und hat darüber eine homepage erstellt. Sehr interessant, war er da alles sc...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 02:42:00 GMT

Planung des Projekts Indigospirit-Café

1. Indigo Network e.V. Gründung eines gemeinnützigen Vereins, bei Amtsgericht Schweinfurt beantragen, Satzung machen, Mitgliederversammlung (mind. 7 Personen) Im Rahmen des Vereins: - Selbsthilfeg...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 02:30:00 GMT

Benefiz-Konzert am 27.12.2007 im Stattbahnhof in Schweinfurt

Benefizkonzert am 27.12.2007 im Stattbahnhof   Am 27.12.07 findet im Stattbahnhof ein Benefizkonzert für gleich zwei gute Zwecke statt. Zum einen zur Gründung eines gemeinnützigen Vereins namens...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:32:00 GMT


Gedanken zur Borderline-Erkrankung Wie gehe ich mit einem an Borderline-Erkrankten um? Wie kann ich ihm helfen, wie helfe ich mir selbst?   Ähnlich wie im Suchtbereicht geht es darum, sehr deut...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 22:59:00 GMT