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About Me

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I was born and raised at Thessalonki Greece. I discovered the world, or the world discovered me on a hot August day in 1967. I grew up as the only child of a warm and loving fomily of two women, of my mother and my grandmother. My grandmother passed away on February 3rd 2007. She was a major influence, a guide and A human being with wisdom....My childhood years was spend between school and the Sunday morning screenings at a local cinema that screened kid stuff, Disney films, Godzilla, King Kong and Italian epics (pseudo Greek films for some). That was the first time i dreamed of doing something in a movie. During high school i got my hands on a S8 camera and that was the beginning of my journey into movie, animation and many dreams. During the '80's the Greek State Television (ET1) called for young artists, children and students to submit works in all aspects of the arts. The show was produced and hosted by Nickos Pilavios, the Storyteller of Greek TV, a talented man who created the best children programs. My submission was an animated short 2' long and the year was 1984. I was 15 years old. The film was screened along with 8 others untill 1986. Then i went for studies in motion graphics (now experimental animation) at CAL ARTS in Valencia CA. Upon my return i read an article about the first non state tv station that was forming in Thessaloniki and tried my luck there. Well now i still work there, counting 20 years of my life. I have a restless mind and the work as director at a TV station is not always very creative. So i returned to my first love, animation and did two shorts, GENESIS in 1997 and CHAPTER SIX in 1998. You can see trailers of both films in the video section, or you can visit the production site But that was not all. In 1997 i wrote and shot what i consider the best cult film of my proffesional life. THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE starring JIMMY KOURTIS as Private Investigator Dominick Deladoor. In 1999 i shot THE INCIDENT starring JOHN MALLIS and in 1999 we started filming THE 18th FILE. But luck was not on our side and the FILE was aborted. Two other features followed, TASTE OF CENTURIES (2002) and SHADOW OF EONS (2004), the only vampire films ever shot in Greece. The films part of a trilogy title THE SECRETS OF CENTURIES dealed with the Greek folklore on Vampires and other urban legends of Greece. My latest film THE RETURN OF DOMINICK DELADOOR united the original cast of THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE and brought back to the big screen the legendary investigator Dominick Deladoor. Three documentaries followed titled A LIFE IN HISTORY,wich earned an AWARD, DISTANT RELATIVE and THE APE WHO FELL FROM THE SKY. At present i am on tentative production for CORRIDOR OF TIME, a mystery/drama/period film focused on Greek urban and myth legends. You can see more about CORRIDORS at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who are top rated in the motion picture industry, artists, craftsmen, animators, and old friends who are now big names in animation, actors, actresses and directors, editors and of course as all of us do, a good producer to put my visions to the big screen.

My Blog


Well this is the another beginning. I have returned home after a long day of work, I'm tired, I have some things left to do and i need more time. Why is it happening? As we say "you can't handle two ...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 14:04:00 GMT