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About Me

"...Es uzenem mindenkinek, testvernek, rokonnak, idegennek, gonosznak, jonak, husegesnek és alavalonak, annak, akit a fajas uz, es annak kinek kezehez vercsoppek tapadnak: vigyazzatok és imadkozzatok! Valahol font a magos eg alatt mozdulnak mar a csillagok, s a viz szalad es csak a ko marad, a ko marad... Maradnak az igazak és a jok. A tisztak és a bekessegesek. Erdok, hegyek, tanok és emberek. Jol gondolja meg, ki mit cselekszik!...""...And my message to all, to brother, relative, stranger alike, to the evil and the good, the loyal and the base, to those banished by their pain and to those whose hands with blood are stained: Keep watch, keep watch and pray. Somewhere above in the high heavens, there's a change in the stars. And the waters race and only the stone remains, the stone remains. Only the faithful and the true remain, the pure and the peaceable, woods, hills, lakes and people. Think twice then, how you act,..."

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